A Terror From The Other Side Part #3 - A Maynia rough draft


Wanted to try get at least a few thousand words done over these last couple of days, but things have been going on and I haven't slept as much or had as much motivation leading to barely getting to the just over 900 words I have got to share for part #3.

My partner had to go to hospital from a severe kidney infection and I won't talk more about it except she is doing better and should be out of the hospital later today, or tomorrow morning. So Wednesday night I stayed up later in case she needed me, and yesterday I didn't get back to sleep with only 5 hours total and a slow, unproductive day.

So next week I am hoping things will be a lot more productive and I can bring many more words and much more of my story to life, including for the rest of May overall.

You can find my other parts here:
A Terror From The Other Side Part #1
A Terror From The Other Side Part #2

A terror.PNG

Image from Pixabay and edited by me

Word count so far


Rough draft #3

A Terror From The Other Side

There were a few suitable buildings so the second building was selected, which was concrete, and the inside had numerous hiding spots to keep out of sight from windows and doors, nothing high up but what there was seemed good enough.

Keeping as silent and motionless as possible were their best odds, while the group of creatures slowly passed the building they are hiding in. The Vegranar trailing stopped just after the door into the building, waiting, and listening when a rustling was heard from inside to the opposite side of Lorek and LM-01 and a mouse popped out from some shelves.

The doors swung open as the Vegranar charged in and going straight for the noise, finding the mouse before proceeding to devour it whole. Lorek jumped out with his machete to slam down into the body of it while focus was on the mouse it had just eaten. Again, and again he came down with swings of the machete to chop the Vegranar in half.

It was straight out the back door and rushing off through the back alley behind all the shops until they were far enough away, with a demonic wailing coming from the big creature now behind, back at the shop.

“You are looking a little exhausted there, have a sit down Lorek and we can head back to discuss the creature with the demonic wail” Amial suggested as she leaned against a fence.

A worried look on her face showed the creature most likely was the same one as Lorek saw. He explained the details and size of the creature to Amial, “Was that the same one you scouted out. Because there is one back down that way near a shop I was hiding in with LM-01” he said while pointing out the direction.

“Before we leave, I want to introduce Niamat, a man wandering the nearby field with uncertainty about his situation until we came along” Heather announced to Lorek as the two shook hands and said hello. “So now we should be able to leave and get to safety or that creature may wander up the street and find us.”

The whole group kept a short distance between each of them in case of an attack and it was better to be safe for the walk back, after Lorek had a run in with a Vegranar along his path. Meanwhile he had to bring up the fact he met other survivors, stating the names Rose and her two sons Ethan and Andrew so the others would not see complete strangers in the house.

It was working out for the best to have additional survivors to help either back at the house for preparations or to be in the fight against these creatures.

Upon their arrival back at the Primm estate, they were greeted by Eleanora and a strange smell faintly detected in the air. “While you were gone, I worked up something to pour onto spots just outside the house, using the notes about the Vegranar. This will hopefully deter the creatures and is based on something Amial previously had some success with.”

Rose and her sons were inside helping with supplies and plans about where to find groups of Vegranar, points of interest to maybe find other survivors and looking over Amial’s notes to see what specific parts are the best to help in fighting this plague of terrors.

So far two points on a map of Otitham were marked as hot spots for scouting. One was a T-intersection road next to a small mountain and field with trees which could hold more activity, one is a dead-end road towards a river and cave, both are viable choices. “We should check out the mountain and field area first since it is a little further away, but allows travelling back and off to the side to head towards the river and cave with a shorter return trip overall” Amial suggested while dragging her finger along the map to make the point.

“Five of us means we can split up to scout out both and meet up at a point on the way back like this abandoned warehouse district as a halfway point” Lorek claimed while rubbing his beard. “I can go with Amial to the mountains while Heather, Bruce and Niamat head to the caves. Take this to help keep you safe and whoever has experience with shooting should use it” Lorek said while passing Heather his 9mm and spare ammo.

She passed it to Bruce knowing he had shot at a gun range numerous times with his older brother before he died from a car accident. Bruce would be a good shot to conserver more ammo if multiple creatures came at them.

“You know me well Heather, I will make sure I use it wisely and get my shots on point when the Vegranar come at us” said Bruce before putting the gun away.

The chime from the grandfather clock’s bell struck five times to let people know it was one hour until dinner time and the sun was starting to go down for the day, which means staying inside for the night would stop anything bad happening to the group like a night scouting session would do when they are unable to see so clearly.

Dinner was put on at 5:30 by Eleanora while Amial entertained the guests to ensure they were comfortable, occasionally popping in to help her mother to prepare dinner to be served at 6.


Image from the @freewritehouse


Why are they fighting these Vegrenar? Are they aliens?
Like that bit about the person with a better aim is the one who gets the gun.
Cool story for #maynia!


Like in part #1, there were strange things from the new siren going on, the creature early on which attacked them and turned out to be the Vegranar. They are working out why and how the creatures are here now. Were there experiments from someone going wrong, or did someone, somehow, open a way to the other side?

It's all a part of figuring it out and waiting for more to come. Hopefully the wait will be shorter starting next week, between more of the story as I hope to write much more as things calm down. :)
