Fractal murmurs / Murmullos fractales - A freewrite - Eng/Span


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Fractal murmurs

I take refuge in another bird's nest, masked, like a little foreign pigeon. I can spend many of my years here, among palm trees, almost without realizing it, crouched, feeling my own winds whipping my insides as if they belonged to others.
I get dizzy in a wheel that truffles lights and shadows. I lose my head, my eyes are lost in the fragile senility of a twilight that is not in a hurry.
Silence and peace seduce me.
While the spirit sings, my demons speak with a wave soliloquy that whispers swimming deeper. I immerse myself in strange contortions of moving water.
Mermaid or mollusk, I swim or fall without return, lost in an absorbing world, among old discords that return their wheel.
My thoughts wander, they come and go, kissing the sand. Rowing in the quicksands, I hear hisses, fractal murmurs that contain and disperse me. It smells like a clear night. The shore shines with the moon and calls me.
The lights of the ships in the distance, Illuminating the night sky, they look like stars, I close my eyes in the dark and the murmurs come back like waves.

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Murmullos fractales

Me asilo en un nido ajeno, enmascarada, como un polluelo de otra ave. Aquí, entre palmeras, pueden transcurrir muchos de mis años, casi sin notarlo, sintiendo vientos propios azotando mi interior, como si fueran de otros.
Mareo mi mente en una rueda que trueca luces y sombras. Pierdo cordura, mis ojos se pierden en la frágil senilidad de un crepúsculo que no tiene premura.
El silencio y la paz me seducen.
Mientras el espíritu canta, mis demonios conversan con un soliloquio de olas
que susurra: nada más profundo. Me sumerjo en extrañas contorsiones de aguas que se mueven.
Sirena o caracola, nado sin retorno, perdida en un mundo absorto,
entre discordias antañas que devuelven su rueda.
Mis pensamientos divagan, van y vienen, besando la arena.
Remo en las arenas que desandan y escucho sonidos sibilantes, murmullos fractales que me contienen y dispersan.
Huele a noche clara, la orilla resplandece con la luna y me llama.
Las luces de los botes, a lo lejos, prendidas al cielo nocturno,
parecen astros, cierro mis ojos en lo oscuro y vuelven los murmullos como olas.


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The photos are my own captured with my smartphone.
Las Fotos son propias.

In response to @mariannewestDay 1150: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: masked The prompt is highlighted in bold




NTy4GV6ooFRkjTArCrebYc2WCCmX2KY4SfTbUDpHWg6ZYHfpdTziJWMXNqQ96aH2N57Zbeq84UUh1uPnW94HyNzVY3HnpY1KN6oPUemt1oCKCReY18RT9UNeGsVvdqLwZjTxcPKpYudywF4Ldq8FXr6MqsXGCaR98H1cqmmG 1.png


Beautiful! Did you write it in English or Spanish first? I loved the line about the mollusc or mermaid!


Hello, dear! Thanks for the comment. I wrote it first in Spanish, which is my mother tongue.
I love that you like it.
