Gemini Man | Review and Opinion | [Eng|Spa]





Hello my dear movie lovers! 🍿🥤📽️

It's a pleasure for me to be here again with you enjoying a new movie topic, as I mentioned before, I love movies and I love to talk about movies, serials, and everything that has to do with it. The reason for today is that, in my repertoire of movies watched, is Gemini Man, directed by filmmaker Ang Lee and released on October 08, 2019 in the United States, it has as main actor the famous and professional Will Smith and being about him, what movie can be wrong, right?.

Will Smith plays Henry Brogan, a professional elite assassin who because of his advanced age (although I do not see him advanced 🤭) decides to leave his profession, but is attacked by a young man who to his surprise already knows how Henry Brogan would defend himself, because he knows him to the letter every step, every strategy and this surprises him a lot at first, as it makes him feel insecure about himself, his skills and his knowledge in terms of defense. Between each fight he manages to notice to his astonishment that this young man is identical to him, that he is a clone that has been created to destroy him, he begins a dangerous investigation to find out who is behind it all.


The clone is not a simple robot, neither a wooden doll, since the way the Clone respects and calls his creator "father", reminded me of the famous story of Pinocchio 🤥 hahaha. To tell the truth, I've never liked clone movies, or anything like that, but I don't refuse to watch them either, especially when I have nothing to do, that's how in 2020 I saw this movie, since we were in full pandemic and it was a year in which I saw more movies than ever before.

The reason why I decided to see this movie is because it has Will Smith as the main actor and it is more than obvious that his performance is 100% good, whatever the plot of the movie is. I'm a fan of his movies, I didn't like this one personally, but it's watchable, the reason, it has a lot of action, so much that it seems like you're watching a video game automatically, it's full of fiction and adrenaline, that's something I enjoy in a movie, that makes you feel alive, empowered, active and that entertains, since one of the main reasons why I watch movies, is that, I like to watch them and that they entertain me.


Truly this actor fits well in action movies, besides having the talent he also has a good physique, which makes it even easier when playing a movie where he has to fight, fight, or save the world as is the case of Hancock 🦸🏾 another action movie that I will soon tell you about.

Gemini Man has other actors in its feature film, such as: Clive Owen, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Benedict Wong, among many others, who have key roles in the film. The plot of Gemini Man, is about discovering the hidden programs that the project performs, are those of mixing human DNA to make perfect clones, to have the best soldiers and assassins that the elite needs.


We are not far from reality with this film, because it is clear that the big countries are in the creations of robots among other things to get better soldiers, soldiers who do not die, who do not have to feed, who do not get tired, who do not have existential problems, etc.. This is Gemini Man, my dear movie lovers.

It's an entertaining movie, full of action, with a duration of 1h and 57m, it's a family movie and perfect for when you have nothing to watch 🤭. If you like action, perfectly choreographed fights, perfect panoramas, mercenaries, secrets, and so on, I recommend it.

See you next time! 🤗🥤🍿📽️





¡Hola mis queridos amantes del cine! 🍿🥤📽️

Es un gusto para mí estar nuevamente acá con ustedes disfrutando de un nuevo tema cinematográfico, como lo he mencionado antes, amo el cine y me encanta hablar sobre películas, séries, y todo lo que tenga que ver con ello. La razón del día de hoy es que, en mi repertorio de películas vistas, se encuentra Proyecto Geminis, dirigida por el cineasta Ang Lee y estrenada el 08 de Octubre del año 2019 en los Estados Unidos, tiene como actor principal al famoso y profesional Will Smith y tratándose de él, qué película puede quedar mal, ¿cierto?.

Will Smith interpreta a Henry Brogan, un asesino profesional de la élite quien por su avanzada edad (aunque no le veo lo avanzado 🤭) decide dejar su profesión, pero es atacado por un joven que para su sorpresa ya sabe como Henry Brogan se defendería, pues le conoce al pie de la letra cada paso, cada estratégia y esto le sorprende mucho en un principio, ya que lo hace sentir inseguro de sí mismo, de sus habilidades y su conocimiento en cuanto a defensa. Entre cada lucha logra notar para su mayor asombro que ese joven es idéntico a él, que es un clon que han creado para destruirlo, comienza una peligrosa investigación para saber quién está detrás de todo eso.


El clon no es un simple robot, tampoco un muñeco de madera, ya que la manera en que el Clon de Henry Brogan respeta y llama a su creador "padre", me recordó a la famosa historia de Pinocchio 🤥 jajaja. A decir verdad, nunca me han gustado las películas de los clones, ni nada de eso, pero tampoco me niego en verlas, más cuando no tengo nada qué hacer, así fue como en el 2020 ví está película, ya que estábamos en plena pandemia y fue un año en el que ví más películas que nunca antes.

El motivo por el cual decidí ver está película es porque tiene a Will Smith como actor principal y es más que obvio que su actuación es 100% buena, sea la trama que tenga la película. Soy fans de sus películas, ésta no me ha gustado mucho en lo personal, pero se deja ver, ¿La razón?, Tiene mucha acción, tanta que parece que estás viendo un vídeo juego en automático, está llena de ficción y adrenalina, eso es algo que disfruto de una película, que te haga sentir vivo, repotenciado, activo y que entretenga, ya que uno de los principales motivos por la que veo películas, es esa, que me gustan verlas y que me entretengan.


De verdad que a este actor le queda bien las películas de acción, además de tener el talento también cuenta con buen físico, lo que lo hace aún más sencillo a la hora de interpretar una película en la que tenga que luchar, pelear, o salvar el mundo como es el caso de Hancock 🦸🏾‍♂️ otra película de acción de las que pronto les hablaré.

Proyecto Geminis cuenta con otros actores en su largometraje, tales como: Clive Owen, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Benedict Wong, entre muchos más, estos tienen papeles fundamentales en la película. La trama de Proyecto Geminis, se trata de descubrir los programas ocultos que dicho proyecto realizan, son los de mezclar ADN humano para realizar clones perfectos, tener los mejores soldados y asesinos que la élite necesita.


No estamos lejos de realidad con esta película, pues es claro que los grandes países están en las creaciones de robots entre otras cosas para obtener mejores soldados, soldados que no mueran, que no tengan que alimentar, que no se cansen, que no tengan problemas existenciales, etc. Pues esto es Proyecto Geminis, mis queridos amantes de cine.

Es una película entretenida, llena de acción, con una duración de 1h y 57m, es una película familiar y perfecta para cuando no tengas nada que ver 🤭. Si les gusta la acción, peleas perfectamente coreografiadas, panoramas perfectos, mercenários, secretos, y demás, se las recomiendo.

¡Hasta la próxima! 🤗🥤🍿📽️


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I really enjoyed this. To me it seemed cool that he had a clone that looked just like a younger him. Like the son he never had.


That's right hehehe, he's like the son he never had. Yes it was great and something new that they made him younger and wow he got to act twice and that effort and talent is valued as it is reflected in the film. @b0s


Will is a very nice actor. Everyone likes him, no matter what character he plays, hahaha. I like him, although he also has some movies that I didn't like. I can't say anything about this one because I haven't seen it. I've wanted to see it, but I always put it off for later, I even forgot about it, now I remember it because of your post. I will look for it to see how it is.


You never tell me if you get to see them afterwards hahahaha, so this must be quite a challenge for you, because with so many movies on the list, there are cotufas (popcorn) for a while. 📽️🍿🥤

The truth is that there are movies with bad scripts that the actors undoubtedly manage to save. I think Gemini Man is no exception, but it was watchable, and I liked it. ☺️@jcrodriguez


This seems like a movie I should recommend to my family, great read! I agree on Will Smith being so likeable, it's almost impossible to dislike his performances!



Yes, I invite you to recommend it to them with total security, it is easy to watch and besides that it is very entertaining which is great if they are the type of moviegoers who fall asleep halfway through the film. 🤭📽️ The action and adrenaline will keep you awake at all times.

Will Smith works his magic in every movie, even if they are bad hahahaha, he gives that touch of professionalism and naturalness that every filmmaker wants to see. Cheers! @mezume


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This film got a lot of hate from critics but I actually quite enjoyed it. I have found that a lot of the time the critics seem to be reviewing films from a different perspective than the average fan. Was this a story-telling masterpiece? Of course not. But it was entertaining and fast-paced, which is what an action film should be all about.
