The Wolf Of Crypto: El Salvador is Just The Beginning


So now it’s official. Legal tender status has been given to a cryptocurrency controlled by no one. And El Salvador may have created a trend with no end; actual sovereign nations exercising their right to use something other then the U.S. Federal Reserve Note.

And if the Fed is not careful it may end up eating some major Triffins dilemma salad. Printing globs of currency tends to piss people off. Not to mention countries that really have no seat at the proverbial “banker table”. And of course our banker rulers are on the offensive today.

We should start to see immediately some major FUD not only in bitcoin but in all cryptos. It’s so predictable that it has become pathetic. Like the wizard of oz these men hide behind their shell companies, shell politicians, and their fake organizations. Their interests are control.

This control has nothing to do with helping their fellow man. Instead, it has to do with greed and avarice. And of course keeping the third world right where it is. Siphoning resources and hooking smaller countries on expensive debt is the name of the game.

When the country default occurs rates spike and hyperinflation begins. Then the real suffering begins see Zimbabwe, Venezuela, etc. The scam has been purported many times throughout history. But instead of the players involved we must look at the system itself.

These wolves are cunning as well as heartless. They know the legacy system through and through. Some are even in the spotlight trading from their various shells. The goal is to destroy and profit.

And of course the sheep are once again sheared. The amount of human suffering that comes from economic collapse is unrivaled by anything on this earth. Let us not forget that many of these people don’t give a shit. Thankfully we now have blockchain.

From humble beginnings bitcoin was created. Much of it’s initial inception was ridiculed and demonized. Even it’s creator was laughed at, mocked, and even threatened. Yet, it only seems fitting that bitcoin is now being adopted by a humble nation.

Now that I think about it there is a bit of poetic justice in all of this. Much of the developed world has ostracized not only bitcoin but blockchain itself. Many nations including my own have spoken out against it. Sovereign adoption has been virtually non existent.

But that’s ok. The crypto journey continues for all of us. Development will continue since technological progress will not be denied. No permission is needed by anyone.

Much of the developed world see no issues with the current legacy system. Many are fat and happy enjoying unlimited supplies of credit/money printing. Yet, blockchain still serves as a backstop for negative economic events. Not to mention bad political/central bank interventions.

This is why El Salvador is just the beginning not only for bitcoin but for crypto in general. I mean what’s to stop other sovereigns from entering the space. Even if smaller nations participate you could see the first world playing catch up. This could spur some major FOMO around the world.

Like it or not (central bankers I’m speaking to you) this is the new reality. You’ve created more debt then could possibly be paid back. You’ve handed politicians, some of whom been in office far too long, unlimited spending. All the while people suffer from inflation, boom and bust cycles, cut credit lines, etc.

The chickens have come home to roost. What the true free market does next is reactionary to your irresponsible policies. And frankly the whole poverty thing is so passé. To think there are people out there who actually beg for your products.

Well it’s a new day. This grand experiment in crypto money is reaching it’s apex. As they say the trend is your friend. Keep stacking. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well the FUD was definitely there. I saw some news about how they wanted to reduce the fees from people sending money from abroad to El Salvador. I heard a few articles talking about how people don't trust BTC and prefer a $15 fee over using BTC and its volatility.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I call it narrative control. When it comes to the media they are certainly out of their element. Our user base is smarter, educated, and tend to think freely. More importantly we call them out for their bullshit. :)

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