Is Bitcoin A Hail Mary At The System?


Hey Jessaviours

I often talk about the financial implications of Bitcoin and how to see it playing out or the technical aspects of how the system works. Still, I hardly tackle the psychological and consumer behaviour aspect of the token. Something I think is even more important than the other two. If people don't believe in the project and what it's trying to do, no amount of technical superiority or financial incentive will get it to mainstream adoption.

Belief plays a massive part in adopting cryptocurrency; we who already here have had our catharsis. Some are still feeling it out, and hopefully, they'll reach that point sooner rather than later, the sooner you do, the stronger your conviction and so too your hands.

The value of Bitcoin is a perception

I am a massive Bitcoin bull, but I realise that all money is nothing but a thought abstraction, a way to handle the accounting of value and previous labour that was used to produce goods and service, we human need. We're the only species on the planet that needs money to survive, give that a thought next time you debate what money is better.

I've listened to so many debates on what makes sound money, and they all make good points, but in the end, perfect money doesn't matter. All that matters is that enough people believe they can give it to the next person in exchange for something else.

Bitcoin needed attributes like absorbing valuable resources like electricity, making it hard to acquire with the difficulty adjustment, and making it scarce with the hard cap to convince us that this is a monetary policy and savings technology worth using.

It's not that it is superior to fiat money, it just allows for less tampering, and that in itself is an upgrade, which shows you how faulty the current system of money really is, that, making it immutable was all it takes.

I think censorship and self custody and all the other attributes Bitcoin offers, like moving the real bearer asset, which is only information is important, but again the don't make the Bitcoin an instant success, they are pieces to a long term puzzle that needs to fall into place.


Anything can be a tool or a weapon to humans

As we humans progress, we've seen some big changes; we saw the separation of church and state. That brought about the enlightenment, which leads to developments further down the line.

Developments like the industrial age, but also world wars. We humans, are highly unpredictable, we call Bitcoin volatility, but we are volatile, Bitcoin only mirrors what we are as people.

We are scared, we learn, we change our minds, we are overly confident, we are tribal and all of that manifest in different ways in society and the way we engage with each other and the world around us.

A lack of meaning

Earlier I mentioned the enlightenment that leads us down the path of science and with it, a technology which unlocked so much of the human potential and our ability to problem solve at scale. We became gods in our eyes, feeling less need for religion as we unlocked more answers to the world around us. I grew up Catholic; I understand the attractions and trappings of that religion, perhaps it's the same for other regions, I am not sure, I cannot say.

I am no religious nut, but I think religion is an extension of our need for meaning and tribalism. As we moved away from religion, society to me placed its faith its ability to produce, we worship money, idols, political elite, we worship progress, and we draw lines around these things.

To me its a sort of sub religion or factions.

The modern person ties a lot of their self worth to material possessions of the power of those they align with, and that's ALL measured with money, in the end, money is the measurement of a lot of what we hold dear.

We hear it all the time from the religious folks, money is the root of all evil, but you're always going to replace the belief system that usurps you.

Money is meaningless

I think many people are now starting to wake up to the meaninglessness of money, yes we all need it live, but we can see that the system we chose has clearly reached its limits.

I am not saying money is a noble pursuit; money is just a tool it has no morals to assign it any is foolish. In fact, we impose our will on money, which is why it's so bastardised in the first place.

Since Adam and Eve (if you're so inclined to believe) have we seen that humans cannot resist any form of temptation, which is why we have rules that cannot be broken. I am sure if gravity could be broken, we'd all choose to fly even if it was the most dangerous way to move around.

Same with money, which is why we need a rule we cannot break.

Someones got to enforce the rules

We require something less corruptable, something that can act as a measuring stick for value. Something we can tether ourselves to in this crazy world we find ourselves in. Bitcoin is by no means a perfect solution, but its a hail mary we've tossed into the ring to see if we can make sense of things.

To be an anchor to pull us out of the deep and give us some perspective to how far we've strayed through the manipulation of money.

Source: TBM

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Earning money that requires the right knowledge to keep it and make it multiply.


Oh I wish it were that simple, I don't even like investing and all this, I just wanted to work and do things I enjoy and then save the money I make, but now we all forced to play this game or get crushed


From Catholic to Satholic! Money is like a religion in many ways as you need to have faith in it and believe in it. All these different cryptos are like extreme versions of some "money religion", the amount of shilling I see online is interesting to watch and you can draw comparisons to Jehovas witnesses that going around looking to convert people.

It makes you wonder what would have happened if the billionaires like Saylor and other hedge funds didn't get involved last year but I'm glad they have. Now I'm able to have a conversation with a few more people about crypto IRL as they start to get curious!

Time to preach about the father, son and holy Sat


lol, totally and the shitter the coin the harder the preach I find, not that there aren't Bitcoin Maxi's that are totally insufferable too. Shilling is actually the real currency of crypto. I think some people do believe in it, that its a fresh start, that we can hope for better, and others just want to be the king/preacher of a smaller group and would rather be a whale in a puddle than support BTC.

I see BTC the way I see the English language, it was inevitable, its the most adaptable, it just absorbs words from other languages, and is adapted to different accents and cultures. It's got competition in the language space, but let's be honest, it's the winner by far.


I think I comment in a previous post about my thoughts on money. I still believe it is a means to an end and that it should not encapsulate the entirety of my life. I don't work for money for the rest of my life. I work to work or engage for other reasons--knowledge for one

At some point in our evolution money will become useless as well as the human species. At that point, people will look for meaning elsewhere.

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It should be just a means to an end and not be such a massively complicated thing that can bring down countries and ruin lives, I agree, but unfortunatltey that seems to be the road we chose. I can't do anything about it, I do hope we get to a point where it's not such a focal point and we can find other things to believe in and focus on


One of the most important messages of scripture is that even when a particular group of people is set apart and distinct, given all advantages and preference, they will still fall apart and become corrupt. It happens over and over without fail.

Every tribe and nation that can claim it was favored by God, fails.

An unbreakable law, or even code-as-law, helps to stabilize and delay this inevitability.

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I would agree with you there these are all temporary band aids to help us move forward from whatever we corrupted in the past!

Anything that man can manipulate will be manipulated until it's unrecognizable and they will always find ways to justify it and even glorify it

I'm not saying Bitcoin is a panacea but it's one groups answer they've put forward as a possible way forward take it or leave it that's up to the market


Bitcoin and other crypto can certainly keep the system in check a little more.

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well they plan to tax the living tits off crypto holders here, so we'll see, you can't keep dictators in check no matter how smart the money is
