How Bitcoiners Look at Shitcoiners



I am proud to say that I am 3 years sober since being a Bitcoiner maximalist.

I now hold 70% of my crypto wealth in BTC and 30% in so-called "shitcoins".

Between Samson Meow and all these other pew pew Bitcoin maxi's running around the place, I've decided that being a maximalist is no way to live a good life.

Instead - you should bet on the best horse. I like Bitcoin for a lot of reasons so I put most of my money in it.

With that in mind, I also think other cryptocurrencies have a lot of potential. I think there is plenty of untapped technology out there that people have yet to use - kind of like this platform.

These things have a lower probability of succeeding, but an asymmetric return if they do.

And so - do not be one of the maxi's as portrayed in the above meme. All crypto people are crypto people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
