A new trend begins: Banco do Brasil dismisses more than 5,000 employees and closes 360 units to adapt to the digital economy


This post can also be read in Portuguese

While we are experiencing one of the biggest inflation in decades, after tax exemptions and continuing to live with the pandemic, one of the country's largest financial institutions announces that it will lay off 5,000 employees in a Voluntary Dismissal Program (VDP) plan it claims to be for remodeling in their businesses.

In addition 360 units of which 112 are bank branches have been closed so far. The Bank predicts that these "efforts" could bring savings of RS 353 million this year.



Banco do Brasil claims that these layoffs and closing of units are necessary to adapt them to prepare for a new digital economy aiming at greater efficiency to the service network and bringing comfort to the customer.

But it is not only the state bank that is doing this, other banks are also experiencing the same trend in recent months. In 2020 alone, 1,444 branches in Brazil were altogether, this represents 78% more than in 2019, where the economy had not yet been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Scrapped banks where they were reference institutions years ago are now bringing unemployment to thousands of families. Is it the end of an era? Well, what I see is that the reason for the justification is always the same, to adapt to the digital economy

The war has changed and so have the weapons



Today banks compete in a different way among themselves, trying to win in the diversification of offers in the digital economy of their services. With the arrival of PIX, a platform created by the Central Bank for instant payments, there was a great dispute between the institutions to find out who had the largest grid of customers with their registered keys.

There has been an increase in digital banks in Brazil in the last few years, thus making greater direct competition in relation to traditional banks. Even elderly people joined this movement to open a digital account because of the pandemic, but with more simplicity and less bureaucracy, the tendency is for the number of new customers to increase.

Blockchain as an investment

It would be inevitable for institutions to see the exponential growth of blockchain technology in various sectors around the world,
that they would be out of the game. Quite the contrary, national banks are investing heavily in blockchain. Device ID has even become the first blockchain network in the national financial sector.



Created exclusively to share user IDs on their mobile devices and increase anti-fraud systems, Device ID was developed in 2019 by CIP, so you can easily check, for example, whether a device has been lost, stolen or stolen.

The truth is that blockchain will be the technology of the future and not only will focus on the financial sector, more companies are joining and in some years it will be something primitive to see bank branches that are not digital. All banks are expected to follow this new trend with a decrease in employees and an increase in digital services.


Versão em português

Enquanto estamos vivendo uma das maiores inflações em décadas, depois das insenções tributárias e continuando convivendo com a pandemia,uma das maiores instituições financeiras do país anuncia que irá demitir 5 mil funcionários em um plano de Programa de Demissão Voluntária (PDV) que alega ser para remodelação em seus negócios.

Além disso 360 unidades sendo que 112 são agências bancárias foram fechadas até o momento. O Banco prevê que esses "esforços" possam trazer uma economia de RS 353 milhões este ano.

O Banco do Brasil alega que essas demissões e fechamento de unidades são necessárias para se adequar para que se preparem para uma nova economia digital visando uma maior eficiência à rede de atendimento e trazendo conforto ao cliente.

Mas não é somente o banco estatal que está fazendo isso, Outros bancos também estão tendo a mesma tendência nos ultimos meses. Só em 2020 foram ao todo 1,444 agências no Brasil, isso representa 78% a mais do que em 2019 onde ainda a economia não tinha sido afetada pela pandemia do Covid-19.

Bancos sucateados onde há anos eram instituições de referência, hoje estão trazendo desemprego para milhares de famílias. Será um fim de uma era? Bem, o que vejo é que o motivo da justificativa é sempre o mesmo, o de se adaptar à economia digital

A guerra mudou e as armas também

Hoje os bancos disputam de uma forma diferente entre eles, tentam vencer na diversifição das ofertas em economia digital de seus serviços. Com a chegada do PIX, plataforma criada pelo Banco Central para pagamentos instantâneos, houve uma grande disputa entre as instituições para saber quem tinha a maior grade de clientes com suas chaves cadastrados.

Houve um aumento de bancos digitais no Brasil nos ultimos anos fazendo assim uma maior concorrência direta com relação aos bancos tradicionais. Até idosos aderiram a esse movimento de abertura de conta digital por causa da pandemia, mas com mais simplicidade e menos burocracia, a tendência é de que o número de novos clientes aumente.

Blockchain como um investimento

Seria algo inevitável para as instituições observando o crescimento exponencial da tecnologia blockchain em diversos setores no mundo,
de que elas estariam fora do jogo. Muito pelo contrário, os bancos nacionais estão investindo forte em blockchain. O Device ID inclusive se tornou a primeira rede blockchain do setor financeiro nacional.

Criado exclusivamente para compartilhar identificações de usuários em seus dispositivos móveis e aumentar os sistemas antifraude, o Device ID foi desenvolvido em 2019 pela CIP, assim poderá facilmente verificar por exemplo se um aparelho foi perdido, furtado ou roubado.

A verdade é que a blockchain será a tecnologia do futuro e não só terá como foco o setor financeiro, mais empresas estão aderindo e daqui algins anos será algo primitivo ver agências bancárias que não sejam digital. Todos os bancos deverão seguir essa nova tendência com a diminuição de fncionários e aumento de serviços digitais.


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This happens here in Sweden as well. One of the largest bank closes almost half of all its offices and points to "people do their bank-businesses online".

Well if you close down all offices people don't have a choice? It comes with both benefits and disadvantages

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is true, there will always be good and bad things.

The choice that I see most accessible to anyone would be cryptocurrencies.

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Over here (The Netherlands) this has been going on even before Covid-19.
A lot of Bank offices were closed. This year due to Covid-19 this has gained momentum.

I wrote a blog a while ago about the added value of banks since they don't actually "keep" my savings anymore (at least physically) and they aren't giving me any more interest the money deposited.

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The bank always arrest us. Thanks to cryptocurrencies we can have a freedom that we would hardly have in the real world.

So the process started much earlier. Do any of these employees know about crypto?

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It seems that you are facing the same thing that we faced here in our last crisis where several banks ended up closing branches and restructuring their locations.

This was because in the past no one has had the ability to think and organize the best strategy for the bank because money was always coming in to be spent.

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It is the crisis that due to the high inflation that Brazil suffers, banks need to restructure in order to remain firm and certain measures must be taken. Unfortunately, dismissal is something they cannot overlook.

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