The promise of easy money ...


This post can also be read in Portuguese

Unfortunately, I can say that human beings have different ways of making mistakes and that is not a deadly sin. It is our nature to look for alternatives that we sometimes think are the best thing but in fact it is quite the opposite. What leads someone to follow these paths may be because he is a naive person or simply someone who never learns from his mistakes.

The truth is that regardless of financial condition, anyone is attracted to promises that often attract him due to the ease of high profits and a wealth that, as you know, the end of the story is always the same.

In the world of cryptocurrencies it is no different, the amount of scams made to people who do not even know what is basically blockchain is something amazing. The scammers take advantage of the boom in BTC and others to show that for that investment it is much more profitable than leaving your money standing still.

In fact, considering savings here in Brazil as the biggest investment currently applied, anyone feels the desire to venture into this new type of investment as they believe that a return of 30% in one month and an ROI in less than 5 months is enough to be deceived.

That is why more and more financial pyramids will never stop as there will always be fragile, greedy and lost(?) people out there.



In yet another episode of "less pride" in my country, the police recently arrested Jonas Jaimovick, owner of JJ Invest. He is suspected of running what many believe to be the largest active financial pyramid scheme today.

According to police reports, it is estimated that more than 3 thousand "customers" would have been injured by a loss of approximately R$ 170 million (US 31.3 million). When it practically disappeared without giving any satisfaction to anyone. Well-known attitude of scammers who wait for the right moment to evaporate from the map.

That is why when we enter the world of investments, regardless of whether it is in the traditional or through crypto, we must know very well where we are putting our hard-earned money, because I believe that no one here wants to leave their money thrown anywhere ...



The curious thing is that this man was able to have as victims, very influential people not only from the country but all over the world. It also sponsored football clubs among the most famous Vasco da Gama. The promise was always the same, depending on its investment, the company would return between 10% and 15% per month.

It is important to be aware of the actions we take with our money. It costs nothing to acquire more knowledge, as it can help you throughout your life. Knowledge is acquired and don't let anyone tell you what to do with your money. The last decision to be made should be made exclusively by you.


Versão em português

Infelizmente posso afirmar que o ser humano possui diversas maneiras de errar e isso não é um pecado capital. É a nossa natureza procurar alternativas que por vezes achamos ser a melhor coisa mas na verdade é totalmente o contrário. O que leva alguém a seguir por esses tais caminhos podem ser por se tratar de uma pessoa ingênoa ou simplesmente por alguém que nunca aprende com os seus erros.

A verdade é que independente da condição financeira, qualquer pessoa é atraída por promessas que muito das vezes o atrai pela facilidade de lucros altos e uma riqueza que como sabem, o final da história sempre é a mesma.

No mundo das criptomoedas não é diferente, a quantidade de golpes feitos para pessoas que não sabem nem o que é basicamente blockchain é algo espantoso. Os golpistas aproveitam bem a alta do BTC e outras alts para mostrar que por aquele investimento é muito mais rentável do que deixar seu dinheiro parado.

Na verdade, considerando aqui no Brasil a poupança como o maior investimento aplicado atualmente, qualquer pessoa sente o desejo de se aventurar nessa nova modalidade de investimento pois acredita que um retorno de 30% em um mês e um ROI em menos 5 meses é o suficiente para ser enganado.

Por isso que cada vez mais pirâmides financeiras nunca irão parar pois sempre terá pessoas frágeis, gananciosas e perdidas (?) por aí.

Em mais um episódio de "menos orgulho" de meu país, recentemente a polícia prendeu Jonas Jaimovick, dono da JJ Invest. Ele é o suspeito de comandar o que muitos acreditam ser o maior esquema de pirâmide financeira ativo atualmente.

De acordo com relatos policiais, estima-se que mais de 3 mil "clientes" teriam sido lesados por um prejuízo cerca de R$ 170 milhões (US 31,3 milhões). Quando praticamente sumiu sem dá nenhuma satisfação para ninguém. Atitude bem conhecida dos golpistas que esperam o momento certo para evaporar do mapa.

É por isso que quando entramos para o mundo dos investimentos, independente de ser no tradicional ou através dos criptoativos, devemos saber muito bem onde estamos colocando nosso suado dinheiro, pois acredito que ninguém aqui deseja deixar o seu dinheiro jogado em qualquer lugar...

O curioso é que este homem foi capaz de ter como vítimas, pessoas muito influentes não só do país mas no mundo todo. Patrocinou também clubes de futebol entre os mais famosos o Vasco da Gama. A promessa era sempre a mesma, conforme seu investimento aplicado, a empresa daria um retorno entre 10% a 15% ao mês.

É importante ter conhecimento das ações que fazemos com o nosso dinheiro. Não custa nada adquirir mais conhecimento, pois pode te ajudar em toda a sua vida. Conhecimento se adquire e não deixe ninguém dizer o que fazer com o seu dinheiro. A ultima decisão a ser tomada deverá ser exclusivamente por você.


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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That is why when we enter the world of investments, regardless of whether it is in the traditional or through crypto, we must know very well where we are putting our hard-earned money, because I believe that no one here wants to leave their money thrown anywhere ...

Agree on this, we must first understand what we are trying to enter. Learning everything on how to exit and how it works really matter. Investing is a gamble and we may gain or lose in the long run. |We can just hope that we will all be getting the profits but we all know that it is not the way it is.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That's right and as it is a bet, we have risks ahead. We must know how to balance things well in our favor.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Sometimes greed clouds our judgment, I still don't see how people can live with themselves after taking away other peoples hopes and dreams.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


People have always been attracted towards easy money and it seems that the poor ones are more inclined into falling in these types of traps. We've had two major national scams as well in the 90's and usually when I talk about BTC, some are recalling on these :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You are right, poor people find it easier to fall for these scams, unfortunately because of their economic situation when they see an "opportunity" in front of them, they do not think about the consequences.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It is actually a bit scary to see so many people thinking that things which are scams if done with fiat is not scams just because they are using crypto, and many of them are also blaming crypto for their loss rather than the scam, they set an equal sign between scam and crypto, and this is something that we really need to change people's perception on, or the masses might get scared away.
