Cubfinance With A Bullish Move! Cufinance Has Reached Critical Support


What price is and where price is going to go and what the price has been doing since our last price prediction cubfinance we played the strength into the market in this currency so far so good the price has increased
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You see that the price has increased profitability had there into the market for cubfinance we topped out around 60 cents we're taking the loop from the track we're taking the money back from him because he's trying to take it

We can follow the money all check this out i wanted to show you all first of all he has determined where the market restriction is we've seen the market and cubfinance find some restriction around 58 to 62 cents
This increase in volume came into the market in cubfinance on july the 30th has been plaguing the movement high in price because following that particular day.

You can see the market did not react to all of that buying that came through we still saw the price in cubfinance go higher the next day so it tells me that there was enough interest coming into the market

Cubfinance it didn't have any impact on moving the price just that easy what's going on on the marketing cubfinance so far so good but we definitely need to be careful because there is buying going on over the last completed days the market is still confirming that it's willing to purchase all of the buying that has been going on in cubfinance.

This market is still showing us we're hitting some restriction what i'm getting i'm not really seeing a big movement to the upside to the upside

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I think the upside will eventually come. The delays in launching the new promised enhancements has hurt the market price. But once launched successfully I think there will be movement -UP!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


but if you see previous price chart market stable around 55 to 60 cents


Yes - but Cub was 3+ at one time without the innovation. With all the new Stuff coming its my opinion that it will grow and exceed all prior prices. I'm bullish and accumulating!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
