The biggest curation reward I have ever gotten in a single day!


In case you are wondering why you are suddenly getting tons of upvotes on a blog post you made 4-6 days ago, well apparently there is (or was) a "curation situtation (slash opportunity)" in which the curation rewards of an upvoted post posted BEFORE the Hard Fork is being 'resetted' IF AND ONLY IF someone NEW upvotes on it.

Say if the curation rewards of a post BEFORE the Hard Fork was at 1 HP divided to all curators of that said post, then if someone NEW upvotes it now then that person will get 95%+ (if not all) of the curation rewards (assuming he is the only NEW voter).

Yeahh It's basically 'stealing' from the upvoters/curators pre-HF of that post if one deliberately just upvoted a post because of this unintended result from the Hard Fork.

I wasn't going to do this since as I have said this is kinda like stealing from upvoters/curators pre-HF, but close to a day after the Hard Fork I noticed a lot of accounts (big and small) is upvoting my blog posts that is above 4 days old.

I then checked some of those accounts and most of them are only upvoting at only 2-5% probably just enough to steal some sweet juicy curation rewards on my juicy posts. I then checked the PENDING curation rewards on some of those accounts and was pretty surprised to see that they have close to 1000+ pending curation rewards.

And so, some of you might call it the greed for money but I followed the curation trail of those accounts. XDv

I call this stealing from the stealers. XD We can't stop them from stealing curation rewards but we can at least take half of what they are stealing. Still stealing though XD

And voila! I got 33.57 HP curation reward yesterday due to this.


I noticed this morning though that the pending curation reward I am supposed to get has drastically dropped down. An hour or two after I trailed those accounts, I checked my supposed curation rewards on Hivestats and my supposed curation rewards was supposed to be around 220 HP for a 40% VOTING POWER spent following the curation trail.

When I checked it this morning it has dropped down to only 77 HP and this evening is has dropped even further XD. I did get 33.57 HP curation reward today but it seems a lot of accounts are now doing this that it has now become moot doing all this.


Thats is a fantastic report. Consistency and hardwork in the community has been the source of the achievements.
Kudos for that

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Wow that is really a good amount, by curation 😀🎉⁦✌️⁩🙏.
