Promoting Leofinance in Other Platforms


Promotion is one of key of marketing to make succesful projects. I try to post leofinance in publish0x. As we know that publish0x is one of the growing blogging platform for crypto enthusiasts. To make more visibility to outside users, leofinance will generate more traffic from outside users. The expectation of the traffic is to drag more new users to join leofinance.
You can visit my post here

what is leofinance

Publish0x is great blog platform that have a lot of users. In few minutes the views of my post is about 28. I think it will increase the views for tomorrow. Besides that my post will earn reward from publish0x readers.

This is the stats after few minutes post. The stats increases, I think when the post enter trending topics, there will be more than 100 or 200 views in 2 days. Thanks for reading and don't forget to upvote and follow @lebah !

Posted Using LeoFinance
