RE: Cryptocurrency: Are We Seeing A Clearing Out Of The Excess?


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“ People didn't understand the need for much of the online activity in the early days either.”

Back in the early/mid 90s I recall watching tv with my mom and landing on MTV to see they had a chat room beneath the videos they were playing. It was the first time I had ever heard of the internet, which I think they were still referring to as the World Wide Web.

The conversation was dumb as hell, and my mom commented that she didn’t see what the big deal was. So idiots can talk to each other? Hmph.

I had to agree it was a poor example of what the internet would become, but even then I understood it was a big deal.

Fast forward to my discovery of BTC in 2013. I was introduced to Silk Road, rather than BTC, but I knew it was special, just like I knew the internet was special, even though in the moment everyone just acted like it was only ever gonna be a tool to buy contraband online.

Now, I’m trying to get people to take a look at Hive, and it’s the same thing again. I’m beginning to think they just don’t want to see beyond their illusions, lest they have to dare to dream and muster the courage to chase it, or concede to accepting they don’t deserve that which they aren’t willing to work for.

Now I understand why the world has dictators. It’s because people don’t want to accept responsibility for their own destiny. They want someone to take care of them and someone to blame when they feel they aren’t being handed enough of what they somehow think they deserve. I don’t think this will ever change. I’d almost bet whoever invented the wheel was probably murdered with it and that’s when the people who mocked him to death first started to realize he was onto something.
