They Can't Compete: Twitter's New Subscription Feature


We are witnessing an interesting situation with the present Web companies and the newly forming Web 3.0. While it is still early in this battle, we are already seeing how the situation is an uphill trudge for the existing social media companies.

In short, the existing business model that is being used cannot convert to what is being established. The fact that these companies are beholden, now, to Wall Street, means that all is to be undertaken in an effort to ensure profitability.

That is okay since it is what people are accustomed to. They are trained there is a cost to everything. Thus, if one wants more, it is understandable that payment is required.

It creates an adversarial relationship between the users and those who financially benefit.

Web 3.0 is completely different. Through tokenization, individual users also have stake in the system. Hence, the desire outcome of a thriving, growing system will not only give them more features through development, but their financial stake is worth more.

An article on Interesting Engineering details how Twitter is now looking at adding a what is being described as a potential tiered subscription model.

Some of the features that are reportedly being considered:

  • Ad removal from websites
  • Clutter free newsfeeds scrolling
  • Undo Tweet feature
  • Collections that allows users to store and arrange favorite Tweets

The article theorizes that the higher the level of subscription, the more of this list that will be available. 'Twitter Blue" is what the basic services is and is estimated to start at $2.99 per month.

We can only presume the price will go up from there.

This could be a very intelligent move for Twitter. The features could be something that people are willing to cough over a few dollars each month for. Considering the fact that it has more than 300 million users, if 1% of them sign up, that is 3 million people.

At $3 a month, that is another $9 million of monthly profit even at the basic level. Keep spreading it while sucking another couple bucks out of some users and we can see how this can push $50 million to the bottom line each quarter.

Ultimately, this does add value to the network. The users are (presumably) happy with their enhanced abilities while Wall Street is over the moon about the extra profits. This will likely end up as increased compensation for the executives.

It is a win-win win.

But only in a broken system.


Web 3.0 offers something completely different. Twitter's actions exemplify the system it is operating within. All are separate entities, conflicting with each other. Doing anything different is not going to happen since Wall Street will not allow it.

The business model is in place and will only be altered to enrich the financial holders. We still see a system where the users are the product. The only difference is they now get to pay for that privilege.

We are in the early stages of the entirely new system that is being constructed. Web 2.0 social media companies are basically enormous databases. They compile vast amounts of data, analyze it, then sell the results to advertising companies. To enjoy an ad-free existence, as shown, one much compensate Twitter for the lost revenues by paying for that right.

Their platform, their rules.

Essentially, you Tweet, they get paid.

It is here we are seeing a paradigm shift. The construction of social media platforms on decentralized blockchains, even in their embryotic stages, is causing a change. Now, the platforms are not the aggregators of data. Instead, they are just platforms providing the utility. Hence, the profitability lies in the hands of the token holders.

Thus, we can see how the shift is from a database to a databank. The data, in whatever form it takes, has value and that is in the hands of the creator. Imagine if each Tweet, Google search, or Facebook post was treated the same way. Instead, all of that feeds into those companies' databases, resulting in billions of dollars in advertising revenue.


Coingecko devised a way to reward users of the site. Through their "Candies" program, one can collect the tokens each day. As you can see, it has a scaling collection schedule. This enables people to amass the Candies which can be used for accessing reports or other features on the site.

In other words, they are establishing premium sections but enabling individuals to access them through their patronage. This is in alignment with the idea that attention has value. Yet, that value is not being monetized to pay Wall Street.

Certainly, this is a project that is much different than a social media application built on a decentralized blockchain. It does, however, exemplify what is starting to happen. Notice how it is not coming from the established entities that are already locked into the present business model.

This is something we see coming from outside the established system.

Ultimately, the present model simply cannot compete with what is being constructed. As they say, you cannot stop progress. When it comes to the Internet, this is the path that it is heading.

For now, the numbers are miniscule. Social media applications have very few users proportionately speaking. It is a process of pulling one user at a time over to the new system. This is a how paradigm shifts work. They often are not quick in the beginning. However, over time, the benefits provided become evident to everyone.

It is here where existing institutions get completely run over. They, too, are often caught off guard since they didn't pay attention to what was happening early.

This appears to be the case with the existing Web 2.0 entities. They are going to operate based upon the same business model because, quite frankly, they really have no choice. That is the opportunity that is there for Web 3.0.

It is only a matter of time before these concepts reach critical mass.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is not superising, they've been making money while People tweet, now they're only taking it one step further. I believe people won't mind paying for these features, its just the huge figures that irks me. Imagine have just 1% of twitter paying for rhdt feature and look at all that money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I wouldn't pay twitter for anything under any circumstance, I don't know if I would use that darn thing even if they would pay me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I agree with you on that. I would not be signing up with my credit card to give them money to use their features.

But there will be many who will I am sure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I was pretty hesitant to start using Twitter in the first place. If they moved to some kind of paid tiered system like that I would likely drop it and never look back. Especially if Project Blank is out by then. It just seems like another suck of my time for zero benefit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well it seems like there will still be the free stuff. These are new features that they are going to charge for. So nothing will change on that end except they will likely promote the hell out of the paid service all over the site.

Yes ProjectBlank will be a much better solution, we just need to see the light of day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The fear is that many times they strip features you were used to out of the free version and move them to the paid. I think that would make a lot of people angry yet they would likely still pay. Unless there is an alternative.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Twitter is absolutely desperate after burning up their start-up money and the losses in revenue from advertisement. Nobody really wants to use a site where people get banned and suspended over frivolity. This will mark the slow decline of Twitter, but we all know the die-hard Twitter fans will remain and radical political groups too.


That could be true. I havent looked at their numbers close enough. Did they have a poor quarter or two?

I would presume the user base is still stable. Even with deleting some accounts, overall it wasnt that huge compared to what they have. Like Facebook people do not seem to be discarding the app at this point. That will have to change in the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It looks like they are really in danger if they need to start changing their model. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't move towards having users pay for using Twitter because I think there are less and less people going on the platform. I am hoping Project Blank moves things away from Twitter and onto a platform where you get paid for making content.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Trying to suck some money out of a percentage of their user base. There will be some that sign up for the service which will change things. We will see when they roll things out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Instead giving money to users, they want money lol. No free-users for social medias anymore.


If we only had project Blank. It's the opposite of what twitter aims at. They stubbornly refuse to add an edit button for tweets. $9 million is quite some monthly revenue. I wonder how many are going to actually pay for that package. Crypto twitter is definitely on the list.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


When I was using twitter the lack of an edit button was pretty annoying. Thankfully I deleted it and stopped feeding the beast my data.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The wonders of a company going public. First are the ads, then it's the paid subscriptions. Sad thing is they will most likely profit from it all just like Facebook at least for a while. At some point people will get fed up but as long as people keep using these main platforms even while being totally abused by them the more they will remain in control. There needs to be a faster shift WE NEED PROJECT BLANK!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


With Social media this is really interesting. As always you pointed out a really important facts about middle men industries. Once a community runs all the nodes The resource created is distributed differently. I think the aspect of token economics and governance is something many were still unfamiliar with until recently. Could it be that they are now finally beginning to get it? Most Social Media platforms would fail in selling user data to their customers, since they thrive on advertisers? If the stake holders govern the system the scenario changes in web 3 ecosystems. Very good points you are making as always!


Yeah, it's a matter of time... one year ... ten years ... who knows ... 😎


I see a very bright future for web 3.00 but a lot of things have to change for mass adoption to take place. People dont look at hive as a social network. They look at it as just a writing platform and run most times if they are not into writing. Some countries have also not gotten relevance and so most times a lot of people might find it difficult to thrive. I guess this is what comes with new start ups. But in all the future is bright and the future is definitely crypto

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I'm not willing to pay (and that won't change unless there is a very high cost benefit) for using Twitter.


I remember some years back, some of the "free image hosting" sites decided they had to start making money, so they put up a "hostage wall" whereby you were welcome to continue using your account for free, but "due to our new software" all your archives would be deleted unless you signed up for the "for pay" service by such-and-such a date. Many people were royally pissed off, but surprisingly many paid the "ransom" to not lose years and years of accumulated activity.

I expect twitter might try something similar, perhaps limiting their free version by something like "max number of followers you can have on the free version is 1,000" so loads of people will HAVE to pay, to keep their followers.

We definitely need Project Blank!



Ah the max followers thing would be devious indeed! I wouldn’t be surprised to see it. Funny how it seems like such an early 2000’s thing to hide behind the pay wall huh?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Coin gecko candies are my favorite off chain thing right now lol. Hoping to score some good stuff with them. It’s an innovative way to gauge someone’s attention and also draw clicks. I’ve turned off brave shields on their site to help them out!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Time for us to own our content and stop being somebody else's product--much less paying for the privilege! !BEER
