What do you do when your investment is not going as planned


Even though investment seems to be a favourable choice much more better than saving. There are at times whereby your investment is not going in your direction as you planned and there are at times where by it is going as planned. Crypto traders will understand much more better


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Let's say you bought some coin when it dip and few moments and days later, it continues to bleed and bleed. How do you feel at that particular time. What are the thought moving in your heart. Do you think you should have just not invest in this coin or perhaps can you subject your emotions into control

Yea it happens to most traders. At first the emotions movement might not be strong as you feel it will still rise up and definitely you think it will but let's say days and weeks later, it continues to dip further and further. You will begin to feel quite should you sell or wait. Yea Luna holders will also understand much more better

At that particular time, the decisions you take must be very careful as it can make and mar the outcome. Do you have any experience let's share it in the comments section below. Have you been in that scenario before? What do you eventually do and how were you able to control your emotions into taking negative decision

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


My experience is with safemoon, at some point it moves to my favour later it dips, and even dip future but been long in crypto I have seen a lot so if the market dip, am not in a hurry to sell, as long that I have made research and read the road map of the token I will just leave it, eventually it will come back, and maybe surpass what I even invest


Yea that's true. One must be able to control one emotion when this types of case happens but mind you also there are some coin that dip and it takes years or aged to recover back

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Before you click to BUY a certain asset, you have a PLAN for what will you do with it... Will you keep it for the long-term or the short term? Will you wait for a certain price and sell it? Also, you have a plan for what will you do if it goes down...

and... whatever happens... you STICK TO THE PLAN... It's really easy like that... But, it's hard in reality...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yea when there is no plan one begin to think of new plan when some scenario happens. There are some cases that also happen at times that force one to change plans. But just like you said, the best is always have plan and stick to it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
