The story of your arrival


My little baby, you are now two and a half years old and now that you have started to understand things about life, I am going to tell you the story behind your wonderful arrival. Do you want to hear it?

Imagen en pixabay por Hansuan_Fabregas

Angel with her caramel colored eyes wide open tenderly answers

"Yes mommy"

Your mom has always considered herself very strong, she has gone through many difficulties but almost nothing has been able to bring her down, that was before your arrival, it wasn't that you made me weak, but that I became less reckless, I try to take more care of myself so that you have your mom as much as possible. You don't know how happy I was that day because I was going to receive you and finally hold you in my arms. Although it was not planned for you to be born by cesarean section so you could come out well, they had to open my belly and you came out, my beautiful baby.

Angel with a mischievous smile says:

"Yes mommy, I was very beautiful?".

Yes my love, for me the most beautiful of all the babies I had ever seen in my life. But I keep telling you, something was not right, at first you did not breathe and for that reason they put you in a warm bed until you got better, but several hours went by and I could not see you, my tummy was hurting. But every moment I asked about you, I remembered how his beautiful you looked and the fear passed a little, so I spent that long day.

Angel says very worried:

"Mommy and doesn't your tummy hurt anymore?"

No my love it doesn't hurt anymore, it only hurt for a few days, but let me tell you what happened the next day when I saw you again.

Angel very excited told me:

"Yes mom, tell me what I did when I saw you again."

That morning I put on my makeup and made myself her beautiful, I was confident that you were going to be fine, but when I arrived at the hospital where they keep the babies, the doctors told me that you were still having difficulty breathing and you were in very his delicate health. As I told you I have always been very strong, almost nothing makes me cry, I didn't even cry because of the pain in my belly, but there I cried a lot. I cried because I was afraid of losing you, since before you were born you became the most important thing in my life. But the doctor quickly told me that I could see you but not to cry so that you would not get sad. She said: "If you cry, he will be so sad that he will not want to continue fighting to live".

But I knew that you listened to me in my tummy when I told you that I loved you and you moved when I sang to you. I really tried that day not to cry, just to sing to you even though I couldn't even touch you, because you had equipment connected to help you breathe. But I couldn't, I wanted to run away, I wanted to take you in my arms and protect you from the injections, from the pain you were feeling and I couldn't finish the song, my tears started to come out by themselves and they couldn't stop. They had to take me out of there because I started to feel sick, my head hurt and my tummy hurt.

They laid me back down on the hospital bed and told me I could see you again the next day, I got sad and wondered do I have to wait a whole day to see my baby? So I said to myself "my child is very brave and is fighting for his life, this moment is not to run away it is my moment to fight by his side".

From that day on I stopped crying when I saw you, I told you that you could make it and that I was there for you, that we were going to get out of this, no matter who was there in my moments with you, I never stopped singing to you.

It was not an easy month but we made it, in all that time I left the hospital only 2 times, as I promised you I was always there for you, but the last night the tiredness and the people made me want to run away again, there was a fight between other parents there and things became dangerous, so much that I was just asking God that they would discharge you to get out of there, but things were not so easy, the doctors had not given the order. To my surprise, the next day after spending a difficult and scary night, in the morning we received the best news of all, at 2 pm we could finally take you home. After almost a month of fighting, a month of wanting to run away, a month in which your dad and I had to do our best to fight for your life.

Did you like the story my love?

To my surprise my son said:

"Yes mom, tell it again."

So since that day I tell that story to my son, the story of his birth, the story of how he fought for his life, the story of how mom and dad fought even against themselves because of the tiredness, the pain and the anguish so that he would recover. He has to know that there are times in life that make you run away because you don't see any way out, but it is brave to keep fighting.

I will never regret my decision to stay by his side in those difficult days, even though I had an excuse and was in pain, that did not stop me from fighting for my son's life. Now I have the privilege of seeing his smile every morning, teaching him and raising him to be a good boy and hearing from his tender lips the most beautiful words ever.

"I love you mom".

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La historia de tu llegada

Mi pequeño bebé ya tienes dos años y medio y ahora que comenzaste a entender cosas de la vida, voy a contarte la historia detrás de tu maravillosa llegada. La quieres escuchar?

Imagen en pixabay por Hansuan_Fabregas

Angel con sus ojos color caramelo bien abiertos responde tiernamente

"Sí mami".

Tu mamá siempre se ha considerado muy fuerte, ha pasado por muchas dificultades pero casi nada la ha podido derrumbar, eso era antes de tu llegada, no fue que me hiciste débil, sino que me volví menos temeraria, trato de cuidar más de mí para que tengas lo más posible a tu mamá. No sabes lo feliz que estaba ese día porque te iba a recibir y tenerte al fin en mis brazos. Aunque no estaba planeado que nacieras por cesárea para que pudieras salir bien, mi pancita tuvieron que abrirla y saliste tú, mi hermoso bebé.

Angel con una sonrisa pícara dice:

"¿Si mamá? ¿Yo era muy hermoso?".

Sí mi amor, para mí el más hermoso de todos los bebés que había visto en mi vida. Pero te sigo contando, algo no anduvo bien, al principio no respiraste por largo tiempo y por esa razón te acostaron en una cama calientita hasta que mejorarás, pero pasaron varias horas y yo no te podía ver, me dolía mi pancita. Pero a cada momento preguntaba por tí, me acordaba de lo bello que te veías y el miedo se me pasaba un poco, así paso ese largo día.

Angel dice muy preocupado:

"¿Mamá y ya no te duele la pancita?"

No mi amor ya no me duele, me dolió solo por unos días, pero déjame contarte lo que sucedió el día siguiente cuando te volví a ver.

Angel muy emocionado me dijo:

"Si mamá, dime que hice cuando te volví a ver".

Esa mañana me maquille y me puse hermosa, tenía la confianza de que ibas a estar bien, pero cuando llegué al reten que es el sitio donde tienen a los bebés, las doctoras me dijeron que seguías con dificultad para respirar y estabas muy delicado de salud. Como te dije siempre he sido muy fuerte, casi nada me hace llorar, ni siquiera lloré por el dolor en mi pancita, pero allí sí lloré y mucho. Lloré porque tenía miedo de perderte, desde antes de nacer te volviste lo más importante de mi vida. Pero la doctora rápidamente me dijo que podía verte pero que no llorará para que tu no te pusieras triste. Me dijo así: "Si lloras, él se va a poner tan triste que no va a querer seguir luchando por vivir".

Pero yo sabía que tú me escuchabas en la pancita cuando te decía que te amaba y te movías cuando te cantaba. De verdad ese día intenté no llorar, solo cantarte aunque no podía ni tocarte, porque tenías unos aparatos que te ayudaban a respirar. Pero no pude, quería huir, quería tomarte en mis brazos y protegerte de las inyecciones, del dolor que estabas sintiendo y no pude terminar la canción, mis lágrimas comenzaron a salir solas y no podían detenerse. Me tuvieron que sacar de allí porque me comencé a sentir mal, me dolía la cabeza y la pancita.

Me acostaron de nuevo en la cama del hospital y me dijeron que te podía ver de nuevo era el día siguiente, yo me puse triste y me pregunté ¿tengo que esperar todo un día para ver a mi bebé? Así que me dije a mi misma "mi niño es muy valiente y está peleando por su vida, este momento no es para huir es mi momento de pelear a su lado".

Desde ese día dejé de llorar al verte, te decía que tu podías lograrlo y que yo estaba allí para tí, que de esa íbamos a salir, sin importar quien estuviera allí en mis momentos contigo, nunca dejé de cantarte.

No fue un mes fácil pero lo logramos, en todo ese tiempo me aparté del hospital solo 2 veces, como te prometí siempre estaba allí para tí. Pero la última noche el cansancio y las personas hicieron que quisiera huir de nuevo, hubo una pelea entre otros padres allí y las cosas se volvieron peligrosas, tanto que yo solo le pedía a Dios que te dieran de alta para salir de allí, pero las cosas no eran tan fáciles, los médicos no habían dado la orden. Para mi sorpresa, el día siguiente luego de pasar una noche difícil y con miedo, en horas de la mañana recibimos la mejor noticia de todas, a las 2 pm te podríamos llevar al fin a casa. Luego de casi un mes de lucha, un mes de querer huir, un mes en que tu papá y yo tuvimos que hacer nuestro mejor esfuerzo para pelear por tu vida.

¿Te gusto la historia mi amor?

Para mi sorpresa mi hijo me dijo:

"Si mamá, dila otra vez"

Así que desde ese día le cuento esa historia a mi hijo, la historia de su nacimiento, la historia de cómo él luchó por su vida, la de cómo mamá y papá pelearon incluso contra ellos mismos por el cansancio, el dolor y la angustia para que él se recuperará. Él tiene que saber que hay veces en la vida que te provoca huir porque no ves ninguna salida, pero es de valientes seguir luchando.

Nunca me voy a arrepentir de mi decisión de permanecer a su lado en esos días tan difíciles, a pesar de que tenía una excusa y tenía dolor, eso no impidió que luchará por la vida de mi hijo. Ahora tengo el privilegio de ver su sonrisa todas las mañanas, enseñarle y educarlo para que sea un niño de bien y escuchar de sus tiernos labios las palabras más hermosas que existen

" Te amo mamá".

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Awnnn, this is so beautiful. At first, it was scary because she couldn't take the baby home, and having not to hold your baby after birth isn't easy. Geez, buy they all came through it and succeeded...

Their patience, undying love, attention, and the fact that she believed her baby is a fighter made things work out at the end.


Certainly perseverance, love and dedication allowed us to succeed in this process, it was not easy but thanks to God today we have the best gift. Thank you for your words


That's super awesome. Thank God for his awesome gift.


Your story is very moving and shows how human beings would do anything for the well-being of our children, regardless of what happens to us.

Thanks for sharing
Happy Tuesday


Thank you for your beautiful words, they describe very well what was experienced.


Love is a very strong weapon, that knows no limits.
Thankfully this beautiful baby survived the ordeal he was facing as a new born, he must have been very strong.


Yes, he was and is a brave and strong child, from a very young age he faced things that were difficult for him, but to see how he faces them and the results fill me with pride.


This is beautiful and you sway me with emotions. I was really scared when the child didn't breathe. Most times we want to be there every step but that's impossible. Nurturing them would be quite the answer.


Those were the longest minutes of our lives, but thank God he got over it and we kept cheering him on. Thank you for your comment.
