Short Poem #001: Your Smile



And your smile, oh so bright
Released all the butterflies
Tagging my heart along with them
Flying excitedly to your direction;
I finally saw perfection


I feel like writing single stanza poetry today. Unlike the usual poems that I write, this seties will only consis of short poems or basically just a single stanza poem.

I watched a movie that one time which is entitled "100 Tula para kay Stella" (100 Poems for Stella). I was curius about the main character's poems, because it's kind of difficult to believe. I mean, I have written more than a hundred poetry pieces, but I made them for years since I was in high school.

It turned out that his poems were very short. And I was like, why don't I try that, too. So yeah... Whenever I fee like it, I'd create some single stanza poems and share them here. :)

Of course, I'd still post the usual poems that I write when I get the inspiration. 😍

Whose smile am I talking about? I don't know myself, either. hahaha
