Cryptobrewmaster Events


So far at least, all Events (accessed from the events calendar in the Pub) have been contests to win game cards representing brewing supplies:


The top 25 places each win six units of supplies with higher finishers getting better quality of supplies:





There are (so far) five types of supplies (malt, water, yeast, bittering hops, and aroma hops) that can come in five qualities (normal/neutral, good, outstanding, excellent, and masterpiece) but the graphic is a bit misleading to suggest that you can win 1–6 of a specific supply. It should really display as 1–2 since you end up winning one each of five of the supplies and two of one of the supplies for a total of six.

In the a recent Top Manufacturer contest, I took third place:



The calendar’s a bit wonky showing that it’s for a contest in 1969 that was claimed on 28 September when it was actually claimed on 25 September.

Six cards:




Sweet. I earned two good brewing waters, and one good malt as well as one outstanding yeast, an excellent aroma hops card, and a masterpiece bittering hops card. The better supplies you have, the better your chances are of brewI got high-quality beer. When you’re crafting your brew in the Brewhouse, you’re shown the odds that the beer you’re brewing will turn out to be anything from normal to masterpiece. Interesting and useful for the game but any homebrewer knows that in reality there’s another possibility: undrinkable. Bad things can happen.

Gotta admit that I don’t really understand the Top Brewery contest:



“Sell your best beer and engage people to drink it.”

Um, how? Other than selling your beer at the cash register in the pub, is there some other way to sell it? I appear to be not the only one in the dark about this. All of the other contests show dozens (hundreds?) of accounts in the running for the prizes but at least when I did this screen grab, only four.

Meh. I guess I need to play around with the game some more and figure things out. AFAIK, there’s not yet a user guide or FAQ so it’s a learn it by playing with it kind of game.

If you’re not already signed up for the game, now is as good a time as any:

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