GODS UNCHAINED || My best Nature Deck (Road to Mythic)


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Gods Unchained - video 2.png

Separador HIVE - GAMES .png


    Another day playing Gods Unchained is another day where I love the game. I keep learning, looking for that ideal deck that will allow me to climb the ranks and, obviously, earn better rewards.

    I don't think I've found it yet (I still have a lot to learn about the game system in general), but I think I found something "comfortable" with the nature deck. Specifically, I put together this deck:


    Otro día jugando Gods Unchained es otro día en el que el juego me encanta. Sigo aprendiendo, buscando ese mazo ideal que me permita escalar en los rangos y, obviamente, ganar mejores recompensas.

    No creo haberlo encontrado aún (me falta mucho por aprender del sistema de juego en general), pero creo que hallé algo "cómodo" con el deck de naturaleza. Concretamente armé este deck:

Screenshot from gudecks.com

Separador HIVE - GAMES .png

    The main thing in that deck is the armor cards (attached in the image below), something I discuss in the video. Along with other support creatures, especially some with roar abilities that deal damage to specific enemies, and a Vinebound Jotun (8 mana) in case the game goes long.

    Lo primordial en ese deck son las cartas con armor (anexas en la imagen de abajo), algo que comento en el video. Junto con otras criaturas de apoyo, especialmente algunas con habilidad roar que hacen daño a enemigos en específico, y un Vinebound Jotun (8 de mana) por si la partida se extiende.

Gods Unchained - Cartas con armor.png

Separador HIVE - GAMES .png

    I won the match in the video, but I feel it didn't quite show what I wanted to portray about monsters with armour. I'll record some of my other games and I'll be back with another video soon.

    La partida del video la gané, pero siento que no demostró bien lo que quería plasmar respecto a los monstruos con armor. Grabaré otras de mis partidas y próximamente volveré con otro video.


Juan Pavón Antúnez


Translated with the help of DeepL || Traducido con la ayuda de DeepL

All images used for this post are screenshots while playing the game.

Separador HIVE - GAMES .png

Medallas banner 4.png

Banner HIVE.png

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Some tips: you probably should consider fewer 4-mana creatures and a few more 1- and 2- mana wones. Also, definitely drop the portable fortress. Wall cards (fortress and rampart) are really bad cards. Just about anything you pick (that can attack and has some strength) is going to work out better.


Thanks for the tips! I started to practice using lower mana creatures.

Complementing them with spells and so others, the result can be fatal for the opponent. 🔥

Captura de pantalla (231).png
