My digital drawing of a Spirit Owl



What's up fellows as you are? be welcome to a new post, yesterday I did not upload anything precisely because I was working on this drawing, this time I wanted to make a spiritual owl under the moon, this has been the best drawing I've done, so simple, save a total of 79 layers of paint.

Que pasa compañeros como están? sean bienvenidos a un nuevo post, ayer no subí nada precisamente porque estaba trabajando en este dibujo, en esta ocasión quise hace un búho espiritual bajo la luna, este ha sido el mejor dibujo que he hecho, así de simple, guarde un total de 79 capas de pintado.

Reference image

Process / Proceso

Painted / Pintado

The color I used to paint the owl was a light blue to give it a nice effect, also in certain parts I changed the color to white so it wasn't so simple.

El color que utilice para pintar el búho fue un azul claro para darle un bonito efecto, también en ciertas partes cambie el color a blanco para que no estuviera tan simple.




Shadows / Sombras

The shadows were light because the drawing from the beginning would have bright lights representing the immense power it possesses.

Las sombras eran leves pues el dibujo desde el principio tendría luces brillantes representando el inmenso poder que posee.



Lights / Luces

The lights, as I mentioned, were all around the owl so I added glitter to almost all the edges to highlight the owl's fur, in addition to the glitter caused by the moon.

Las luces como ya mencione estaban al rededor de todo el búho por lo que casi en todos los bordes añadí brillos para resaltar el pelaje del búho, ademas de los brillos originados por la luna.




Background / Fondo

In the background I painted something like a mist behind the owl, I also added a moon, which originally was going to be a moon-shaped skull but I didn't know how to do it, so I'll leave it for another day, I also put some dead trees, with moonshine.

En el fondo pinte algo tipo neblina atrás del búho, ademas agregue una luna, que originalmente iba a ser una calavera en forma de luna pero no supe hacerla, así que quedo para otro día, también coloque algunos arboles muertos, con brillo de la luna.




Details / Detalles

In the details we have some black paint traces that I did on the owl's fur, to vary more the painted on it,The details that I liked the most were the power lines of the owl, the shines of the mist and in the trees, I loved quite a lot to paint this picture, so I consider it the best.

Los detalles que mas me gustaron fueron las lineas de poder del buho, los brillos de la neblina y en los arboles, me encanto bastante pintar este dibujo, por eso considero que es el mejor.




I hope you liked my drawing, kind regards @Brataka


Unfortunately I had to lower the size of the canvas because it didn't want to go up to hive, it always said error when going up, here I leave you the HD gif in imgur,

Espero les haya gustado mi dibujo, atentamente @Brataka

Tools / Herramientas

  • Mouse
  • Paint Tool Sai
  • My beautiful right hand / Mi hermosa mano derecha.


I'm really impressed. Owls are my favorite animals!
A beautiful artwork, thanks for sharing :) greetings.

!discovery 35
