CryptoBrewMaster: How much CBM can you get per day and is it worth it?


Hello Hive Community

In today's post, I will going through how much CBM you can expect to get by playing the game and whether it is worth your time.


All Images are from @cryptobrewmaster


I have made quite a few posts on CBM (CryptoBrewMaster). CBM is also the in game token. Basically if you are playing the game, the main way to earn CBM tokens is by selling beer in game.

I created a post previously describing how you can brew beer in game. Here is the Post

In essence, there are 5 ingredients that you need to brew beer in game:

  • Brewing Water
  • Row Barley Malt
  • Local Bittering hops
  • Local Aroma hops
  • Yeast

You do not have to pay to get them and you just need to complete daily quests to obtain neutral grades of these ingredients.

Ingredients come in 5 different grades, as follows:

N - Neutral
G - Good
O - Outstanding
E - Excellent
M - Masterpiece

The beers you brew also come in 5 different grades. If you use higher grade ingredients to brew your beer, there is a higher chance that you end up with a higher grade beer.

However, if you are just playing for free, you will only be able to obtain neutral ingredients through the game. There are quests in which you can obtain Good grade ingredients, however, it costs CBM, and in this Post, I explain the rationale as to why it may not be worthwhile to complete these quests.


Therefore, if you just complete quests that dont require payment of CBM, you will get neutral ingredients. The Daily Quests reload on a daily basis, but on average you should be able to obtain 5 neutral ingredients per day. Sometimes you may only be able to get 4 ingredients, but for simplicity lets assume that you get 5 ingredients per day.

If you then brew a beer in game with those neutral ingredients, this is what you will see:


The distribution of beer grades is as follows:

N - Neutral: 85.76%
G - Good: 10.72%
O - Outstanding: 2.68%
E - Excellent: 0.67%
M - Masterpiece: 0.17%

Based on the above, you can expect that the result is a Neutral Grade Beer. Sometimes if you are lucky you may get a Good Grade Beer. I have been playing the game for some time now, and I havent got an Outstanding Grade Beer with just using Neutral ingredients.

You can then sell the Beer in the Pub in game:

These are the prices that you can expect at the moment. price can change

Neutral Grade beer: 29.05 CBM

Good Grade beer: 31.96 CBM

However, more often than not, you will brew a neutral grade beer, hence you can expect to 29 CBM per day.


You can get around 29 CBM per day, just by performing a few clicks. However, you cant withdraw the CBM immediately and can only withdraw once your in-game balance is 1000 CBM. So that would take you about 35 days to obtain.

Is it worth it?

This is from Hive Engine

At the time of this post, 1000 CBM can get you around 50 Hive. That means you can expect to get 50 Hives in 35 days. The price fluctuates from time to time, so that can still change.

It may not sound like much, but for a few clicks per day, that does not seem too bad. It is really up to you. Once you are used to the game, you probably spend less than 10 min in total on the clicks currently. Once there are more features, then you might spend more time on the game.

So do you want to test out the game?

The game is still in alpha, so it is still free now to try out the game.

Always do your own research before you put money in a game

If you interested in testing out the game:
Here is the referral link.

But you don't have to use my referral link if you don't want to. No Stress :)

Hope you enjoyed the post.

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You actually got me hooked on the game a week back and I can say, it's very fun for the minimal amount of gameplay it offers. One of the best things is the links in the tasks window, that take you to websites in which you can actually find some useful info for brewing beer in real life! Also have around 300CBM for a weeks' worth of play, so the value proposition is strong as well!


haha captain @slabakbg - glad to see that you are enjoying the game. yep, there is more utility of the CBM token then just getting them in game and turning it into Hive. Will create another post on that.
