Hibiscus is beautiful and charming

Hi everyone's!!!

On this occasion, individually, I will invite you to look back at one of these simple flowers that grow and develop around our region, why? Because there is a beautiful nuance tucked into it, when seen as if there is a special attraction in the cradle by him. So you know the morphology? It is easy, you will put your love for him. Like the saying "Tak kenal maka tak sayang" (If a person doesn't know something then he doesn't love it) that is one of the words that is often heard among us. So with that I will invite you to get to know him more closely through the Hive.blog platform.

When you pay attention to it, there is an attraction and uniqueness of this hibuscus flower because it has a large size of its petals with several very bright colors. In general, today there are several colors of this hibuscus flower, including:

  1. Dark red
  2. White
  3. Yellow
  4. Orange
  5. and pink.

Between each color contained in each hibiscus flower, of course it has different beauty and attractiveness depending on the person who sees it, so there are different assessments, so it can be ascertained that the hibiscus flower has a beautiful and amazing attraction in describing it to those who see it.

The morphology of hibiscus

If you see this plant in everyone's flower pot that is placed in front of someone's house then maybe sometimes think this flower is small and low, but did you know that this hibiscus flower, can grow quite high, about 2 to 5 meters and I myself have seen In 2018, in the foothills of Lawang Aceh that grew to almost 6 meters

So why do these plants look low around our territory? This is due to the influence of the management of someone who is always tidied up to keep him looking beautiful so that the growth is not optimal and the size is not too high as seen around our area. Even though the color is different, the hibiscus plant remains oval or lonjong in shape. The size is not too big, with a tapered tip, maybe you will be very familiar with it when you see the picture in this post.

Distinctive features of hibiscus

Every flower plant does not resemble even though it is the same, but there must be differences between each flower. This hibiscus flower is very easy to recognize because it has the characteristics of 5 petals. Then there are additional petals or in scientific language it is referred to as epicalyx which functions to protect the inner petals of the flower. In simple terms this flower looks layered or has a characteristic on each petal.

There is something unique about this flower that is different from other flowers, it has a structure that makes the hibiscus flower appear to be composed of several distinctive layers, now! Herein lies its beauty and privilege. While the flower pistil is an elongated cylinder. While the stem is oval with a sprinkling of pollen in front of it and extends forward from the front of the flower petals.

Our local people describe the shape of the hibiscus flower as almost resembling a trick musical instrument or resembling a trumpet that is often played by children with a fairly large size in certain parts. This relatively large size is about 6 cm to 20 cm in diameter, depending also on the hibiscus itself. However, in terms of flowers, I see that this flower has its own uniqueness from its shape that develops in various directions or it can be said that it always blooms facing up, sideways, or even downwards even though the flower size is appropriate or larger

Today the hibiscus flower that you see in this post, has just grown in someone's yard which hasn't flowered for a long time for some reason that happens in that area. For myself, I think this flower can attract my attention so that my heart is attracted to it and I capture it in this simple moment, so that you can also enjoy it in this post.

To better understand it scientifically as described by every expert on other blogs or other social media, then I would not hurt to rewrite it scientifically here. Here are some descriptions about it scientifically.

Hibiscus flower scientific classification according to experts
7SpeciesHibiscus rosa sinensis L

Maybe after you read the explanation scientifically, of course you will know more deeply, making it easier for you to cultivate it if you want, because this plant is not only beautiful but also has several health benefits for the human body, and this is not taboo for the world because so many people use it for drugs.
Those are some of the reviews about it, hopefully it will be useful for all of us and become additional knowledge in the field of flora.

Hopefully useful and thank you very much
Classification of photo & writing
In the photo withVIVO Y12 smartphone
Photo SettingsOtomatis
ThemesHibiscus is beautiful and charming ✉
Text referencePersonal observasi ✎
