Local Leader: Fee Culture Disrupts Investment |


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Aceh Utara Regent, H Muhammad Thaib, welcomed the entry of oil and gas investment, including the British oil and gas company, Premier Oil. He reminded that the culture of taking fees can interfere with investment, so the most important thing to do is to make investors comfortable.

"There is a paradigm that must be changed. So far, when it comes to investment, we always talk about fees. The first concern is not the percentage given, the important thing is the incoming investment. That's why, as the Regent, I am very grateful for investors to enter North Aceh, whether it's Zaratex or Premier Oil, we really accept it,” said Muhammad Thaib or Cek Mad in an exclusive interview about the entry of investment from oil and gas companies to Aceh, including North Aceh, at the Regent's Pendopo, Monday September 7, 2020.

Cek Mad said, investors must be given comfort first so they feel at home at work. “Don't come like that, already said 10 percent for this and that. That's why with me, don't try to play the premium fee, ”added Cek Mad in front of the Assistant for Economy and Development, Ir. Risawan Bentara MT and the Head of the Investment, Transmigration and Manpower Office, Halidi S Sos, MM.

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From Premier Oil's investment, Cek Mad hopes that the company can build offices in North Aceh or in Lhokseumawe. "If they are based outside, that is a sign that something is wrong with our treatment of investors."

According to him, the impact of the investment on Aceh Utara and Aceh as a whole is far more important than demanding a fee with no clear basis. He gave an example, from the investment made by Premier Oil Ltd in the Andaman II Block, it could have an impact on the economy and reduce unemployment.

"There is no need to be pretentious, when investors come, they need food, they need to drink, they need workers ranging from laborers to skilled labor. We are ready to supply all those needs. For me, if there are 10 workers needed, four of them are from Aceh, that's great," he explained.

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Cek Mad admits that the quality of the workforce in North Aceh must be improved, especially in the very specific oil and gas sector. Hence, he hopes that educational institutions such as Malikussaleh University, Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic, and so on, will be involved in improving the quality of human resources.

"If so, come and directly test and interview, maybe our human resources will be unable to compete. We have to train our human resources first. It doesn't take long,” said Cek Mad again.

In supporting educational institutions, Cek Mad admits totally. He gave an example in increasing the accreditation of universities in Lhokseumawe and the involvement of these institutions in labor recruitment.

He also admitted that in formulating his policies, he was very pro-investment and at the same time paid attention to local interests. Because of that, he formed the Investment Service and put the right people there. "I always give orders, don't make it difficult for all permits," he said.


Asked about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Cek Mad said it could not be for short-term interests. "I don't agree that CSR is only giving away goats or cows, or giving donations. It does not make society independent. It should be more of a long-term program in accordance with the potential of the local community, ”said Cek Mad while giving an example of a successful MSME empowerment program in a number of points in Aceh Utara.

Regarding the future political conditions in Aceh, Mad Check will remain stable and safe for investment. The Helsinki MoU, he said, had already emphasized that all forms of crime were included in the criminal area and therefore became the responsibility of the the corps.[]

Bupati Aceh Utara: Budaya Fee Ganggu Investasi

Bupati Aceh Utara, H Muhammad Thaib, menyambut positif masuknya investasi minyak dan gas, termasuk perusahaan migas asal Inggris, Premier Oil. Dia mengingatkan budaya mengambil fee bisa menganggu investasi sehingga yang paling penting dilakukan adalah membuat investor nyaman.

“Ada paradigma yang harus diubah. Selama ini kalau bisa soal investasi, selalu bicara fee. Kepentingannya yang pertama bukan persen yang diberikan itu berapa, yang penting investasi masuk. Makanya,saya sebagai Bupati sangat bersyukur investor masuk ke Aceh Utara, apakah itu Zaratex atau Premier Oil, kami sangat menerima,” ungkap Muhammad Thaib alias Cek Mad dalam wawancara eksklusif tentang masuknya investasi perusahaan migas ke Aceh, termasuk Aceh Utara, di Pendopo Bupati, Senin (7/9/2020).

Cek Mad menyebutkan, investor harus diberikan kenyamanan dulu agar betah dalam bekerja. “Jangan begitu datang, sudah ngomong 10 persen untuk ini-itu. Makanya dengan saya, jangan coba-coba main premium fee,” tambah Cek Mad di hadapan Asisten Perekonomian dan Pembangunan, Ir Risawan Bentara MT dan Kepala Dinas Penanaman Modal, Transmigrasi, dan Tenaga Kerja, Halidi S Sos, MM.

Dari investasi Premier Oil, Cek Mad mengharapkan perusahaan tersebut bisa membangun perkantoran di Aceh Utara atau di Lhokseumawe. “Kalau mereka berkantor di luar, itu tandanya ada yang salah dengan perlakuan kita terhadap investor.”


Menurutnya, dampak dari investasi terhadap Aceh Utara dan Aceh secara keseluruhan jauh lebih penting daripada menuntut fee yang tidak jelas dasarnya. Dia menyontohkan, dari investasi yang dilakukan Premier Oil Ltd di Blok Andaman II, bisa berdampak terhadap ekonomi dan menekan angka pengangguran.

“Tidak usah muluk-muluk, ketika investor datang, mereka butuh makan, butuh minum, butuh pekerja mulai dari buruh sampai tenaga kerja terampil. Kita sudah siap menyuplai semua kebutuhan itu. Buat saya, jika ada 10 tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan empat di antaranya dari Aceh, itu sudah bagus sekali,” jelasnya.

Cek Mad mengakui, kualitas tenaga kerja di Aceh Utara harus ditingkatkan, terutama dalam bidang migas yang sangat spesifik. Makanya, ia mengharapkan lembaga pendidikan seperti Universitas Malikussaleh, Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe, dan sebagainya, dilibatkan dalam memperbaiki kualitas SDM. “Kalau begitu datang, langsung tes dan wawancara, mungkin SDM kita akan kalah bersaing. SDM kita harus kita training terlebih dahulu. Itu tidak butuh waktu lama,” ujar Cek Mad lagi.

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Dalam mendukung lembaga pendidikan, Cek Mad mengaku total. Ia menyontohkan dalam peningkatan akreditasi perguruan tinggi di Lhokseumawe dan keterlibatan lembaga tersebut dalam rekrutmen tenaga kerja.

Ia juga mengaku dalam merumuskan kebijakannya sangat pro terhadap investasi sekaligus memperhatikan kepentingan lokal. Karena itulah, dia membentuk Dinas Penanaman Modal dan menempatkan orang yang tepat di sana. “Saya selalu perintah, segala perizinan jangan dipersulit,” tegasnya.

Disinggung mengenaik Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Cek Mad mengatakan tidak bisa untuk kepentingan jangka pendek. “Saya tidak setuju kalau CSR itu hanya kasih kambing atau lembu, atau kasih sumbangan. Itu tidak membuat masyarakat mandiri. Harusnya lebih kepada program jangka panjang sesuai dengan potensi masyarakat lokal,” jelas Cek Mad seraya menyontohkan program pemberdayaan UMKM di sejumlah titik di Aceh Utara yang sudah berhasil.

Mengenai kondisi perpolitikan di Aceh masa depan, Cek Mad akan akan tetap stabil dan aman bagi investasi. MoU Helsinki, katanya, sudah menegaskan bahwa segala bentuk kejahatan masuk wilayah kriminal sehingga menjadi tanggung jawab aparat keamanan.[]

