Living Next Door To COVID | Random Thoughts


I have been feeling a lot of strange thoughts which I never had before. Maybe it's the fear of death, Corona is at next door. In our district, there's very much of a sign that social spread has happened. There are some COVID cases near which don't have any idea about the source of the spread. Like any human being, I am also feeling some kind of sadness and also fear. It's hard to relieve from it.


There's all kind of people around me, some still believe nothing happens to them and some are just doing whatever they can to avoid it. Both kinds of thoughts are coming into my head. The one where I'm all optimistic and the other is the fear about my friends and families. I can't think about the chance of losing anyone.

Usually, this kind of extreme thoughts never comes to my mind but now it's totally different. When there was a lockdown all I was trying to do was to learn new skills and trying to do something more than the routine. But now there's some kind of a feeling that all are meaningless.

Maybe I am writing all this in a bad vibe, these all are just thoughts flowing over my head. There are doubts, fear, and sorrow. I still hope everything's gonna be over soon, but sometimes just these news are making me more upset. Like any other human being, it's just not only the fear about me it's also about the people I care about.

There was a lot of disasters recently in our state, one was a cyclone then the flood and now it's this COVID. I have been also depressed at those times. When there's this lockdown the financial situation of the family was getting worse. Now there's no lockdown but the things ate getting worse.

Now, most people who are outside are the ones from middle and lower-class families. They are trying to attain a stable state. They could either fight against poverty or from COVID. There's a different kind of people in it, some take all the precautions they can and some others are just ignoring the reality.

I've found one fact that there's a lot of stupid people around me, even when they have enough money just trying to use this situation as a source of income. There's one friend of mine, he's just trying to travel all over the district to make money by selling used products, I've talked to him a lot and he's still doing his stupidity. There's no reason for him to do that, just the desire to earn more.

I feel exhausted even without doing something to help the one's around me. I think there are just lazy people like me out there, just doing nothing and writing the things that pop in the head. Maybe it's just for having relief from the sad thoughts.
