Stop Living Inside Your Head—Be a Punk


A punk or a freak have more freedom to do as they wish, when I say freedom it's about breaking the mental slavery. When I do something I always care about what will be others opinion about me after I do it.

It's real slavery, we always learned to give a great first impression to people. But we usually try to show an image of a good innocent and respectful guy, in the beginning, then after that, we try to live inside that impression we created. So it was hard to do something new.


This's what that always happened to me, in my relatives I had an image of soft and innocent. They said that most times even in my presence, eventually I witnessed this turning into a responsibility, a responsibility to stay inside this image. So if someone says you are poor good kid, remember that it's an insult and they are trying to lock you down inside that image.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey had a punk upbringing and in an interview, he said how that helped him a lot.

"What was amazing to me about the punk scene, which is why I got into it, is because there was this confidence of 'I'm not going to go off, be shy about learning how to be a musician.''

He mentioned the same will happen in the case of coders, they will always have the confidence to do terrible codes at first, and then they will eventually improve.

Now, whenever I meet someone new or entering a new environment, I tried to give an image of a flexible one, little bit of a punk. So after that, I don't need to act. I can do things with complete freedom, they knew that I can go to any level. When you build relationships starting like this it's easy to deal with everyone, they will never say "I didn't expect that from you."

source-Urban Dictionary

I'm not saying to be a complete freak, but show the world that we are very much flexible. Then we will have the confidence to do anything we want, there will be no fear inside our head what others think. We could easily do whatever we want with complete confidence, It took a little bit longer for me to understand these facts. It's the truth.

Dressing style is a good place to start with before I was not much concerned about it. I thought the good and disciplinary kids wore a certain kind of dress, it was the main thing that gave people an impression that I'm a shy guy. When I suddenly updated a little bit on dressing style, everyone started noticing and talking to me about it at first, now it's normal. So don't be late, when we are late it's a little bit hard to adjust initially.

Recently I visited an uncle he started saying little bit bad out my appearance, he said that I look like a disrespectful guy. That was the moment I got a little bit relaxed, I always had the impression of the good respectful child in front of them and I had to accept their opinions in taking decisions, now it's not. I'm free to do whatever I want.


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