The Birth of Something Strange


In these COVID days things are seeming pretty messed up, Unemployment is something that's affecting a lot in these days. Just finished the exams, It was last year at college. Before this quarantine, I had some part-time jobs which will help me in working on my personal expenses.


Now there are not many jobs, all the small shops have enough staffs and we had a catering team, due to COVID all the weddings and other functions are cancelled, So the catering Job is not there.

It's not just simply about money, it's spending all day inside the four walls. So the time is spent mostly on reading books, watching movies and Hive—which gives me little earnings at these hard times. Most times I am at home, spending time on reading and writing is changing me, I can feel it.

I'm more concentrated on small things, it's easier for me to pay attention to something than before. I can easily write a lot more than I could before. There are a lot of ideas going around. I found interest in same strange fields I have never been heard of. One is Astrophysics,

"Astrophysics is a branch of space science that applies the laws of physics and chemistry to explain the birth, life and death of stars, planets, galaxies, nebulae and other objects in the universe"

I'm not learning it for exams or anything, the desire is just to learn. And when trying to learn without any other motives it feels great. No study pressure or anything just the interest to know more. Neil deGrasse Tyson's podcasts and videos share a lot of information about it. There's a book by him called "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry".

We are so small in this universe, and that idea gives me a lot of inspiration for less scaring about the little problems I have, all those big problems seem so small.

I think not going outside of home influenced me a lot in the mindset. Cause before these ideas that I got through all these books and movies didn't have time to make me think. When I went out all these ideas were mixing up with the thoughts of the outsiders.

Now there are not many distractions, all these things I learn to have time to process itself and give birth to something new. I both hate and love this situation, sometimes I needed to go out and relax a bit, sometimes it's the desire to learn more.

This loneliness always changed people that's what happened to Travis Bickle in the movie "Taxi Driver". He learned something new and tried to put a change in his world. It's still one of the movies which will never get me bored after watching several times.

Like any other human, I was also changing through time, there was a change in principles, beliefs and behaviours. Now the rate of change is increased, I hope all these will end up in something new and beautiful.



Same situation with me bro. I am a teacher and almost jobless now. We are not getting paid for online classes also.


Yeah, bro, Unemployment is a hard thing deal with. I've been trying to learn something new to get a job in any field.
We can hope that everything will be fall onto place soon.


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