Watch Out For Signals...."Life"


To observe anything is the key to the info about the matters and the people. Observe everything to succeed and protect your life. ~ Ehsan Sehgal

There you are thinking about why you continuously fall prey of the deceit of people. No matter how hard you try you keep meeting the same people over and over again who would deceive, hurt and leave you out in the cold to suffer make you believe that whatever it is that happened or is happening is your fault.

The world is filled with people who are ready to trample on you in order to stand on their feet or have their way. Not just in business, in relationships...even in the everyday life. As sad as it sounds, that is the reality we live in.

Personally, I think we may not be able avoid all the bad things in life but we can at try to avoid most of it. When it comes to people, I believe there are warning signals to watch out for. Well, that is for people who are very observant and quick to notice things. However, this ability is one people should cultivate...being able to observe and study a person.

Take a relationship for instance, when dating someone you like and one day out of anger he "mistakenly" hits you as a lady, what comes to your mind? Okay, let's say it was mistake, what gives you the assurance that he wouldn't raise his hands on you again even after pleading for forgiveness? Ah! Love is blind yeah? I am not married but I believe that any form of violence does not start big. It starts little by little. What did you do when it began? Did you take notice or you allowed it be?

I believe no one can hide its true nature (character) no matter how hard he or she tries to try hide would surely show itself somehow. That is when observing and studying him or her pays off then you can know more about the character of the person. After which you can decide on your next move..stay or leave.

Being able to observe people helps you watch out for any red flags and helps you understand more about a person. We can't rid the planet of every single bad person but we can watch out for them and learn to interact with such people by being careful around them or flee if you have to.

Observe the relationships around you. Pay attention to which ones lift you up and which ones drain you, which one encourage you and which ones discourages you, which ones are on the path of growth and which ones are going nowhere ~ Notes From Nora

Click on images for the source, images used are from pixabay...except otherwise specified. 💮


"I am @bliss11, a writer and a vlogger. I love to explore different possibilities. I believe dreams are achievable and I believe in love".

Original post written by @bliss11


Gracias! ❤


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