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Some people are great at managing their finances but can't quite seem to get a grip on getting fit. Others are the opposite. But using a few basic principles that can be applied to both areas can help to make you successful in all your goals.

Plan for the Big Stuff

Financially - If you are going to take a big vacation, it doesn't come together overnight. You make arrangements for vacation time, you make reservations at destinations, and most importantly, you start saving up in advance. Have a separate account that you can funnel a part of your budget into each month and build the balance for that special vacation. It takes time to gather the funds. At least, most of us don't win the lottery or come unexpectedly into a windfall. 🤑


Image from Pixabay

Physically - Just like you don't wake up one day and decide to go on that great vacation next week you also don't decide in one day to run a marathon next week or lose 50 pounds next month. You instead make a conscious decision to get healthier, set a goal, and start working toward it with a plan. If you're new to the exercising arena, slow and steady will win the race. Going in to it too fast will make

Make Small Changes for a Big Difference


Image from Pixabay

Financially - It's easy to lose sight of small expenses - what's a $3 coffee or a $5 lottery ticket a couple of times a week? But if you add up those small items you can easily see how much it amounts up to in a month's time. So you make some decisions to skip lunch out with friends a few times, take your coffee with you from home, buy the generic product instead of the familiar name-brand one and you'll have that little extra to sock into your vacation fund.

Physically - Don't get caught in the mindset that if you can't spend an hour at the gym it's not worth your time. All activity counts toward that daily goal that you set yourself. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the far end of the parking lot, Make frequent trips to the water fountain and your body will thank you for the hydration as well as the exercise. Also, by combining these two tips - take your own coffee instead of buying a calorie-dense and expensive latte or packing your own healthy lunch instead of an expensive meal out with further BOTH of your goals at the same time!

Research and Shop Around


Image from Pixabay

Financially - Especially when you're making those big purchases it's so important of shop around. Know exactly what you want by finding out what's available then finding the best value for the money. Interest rates, rebates, and warranties need to considered along with the sales and purchase prices. If your dream destination is a beach, doing some research will help you find the best value for your hard earned dollars.

Physically - As the consumer, you have the power! There are all kinds of purchases you can make in the pursuit of fitness. But shop around first. Do you really need those expensive brand name running shoes when a good pair of walking shoes will more likely fit your needs? A membership at the local YMCA will likely yield as many benefits as a high priced fitness club, plus you would be supporting the youth of your community with your dollars. And as to the latest gadgets and "lose pounds & inches fast" products - save your money and put in the work!


It all boils down to the fact that planning and determination can have you feeling fit both financially and physically! And both of those things will greatly reduce the amount of stress in your life. Which in turn makes for a much more peaceful and healthy outlook no matter what stage your are in currently.







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True! It's always good to think long term, and then set measurable goals to get there, whether it's a vacation or weight loss plan. I'm hoping to take my family somewhere tropical next winter, so I'm planning and saving! Let's hope the pandemic is on its way out by then.


@jayna - I hope you get to go on that vacation too! I was bummed about having to cancel our New York trip this year for @thalliance block party. It would have been so awesome to meet all you guys in person. We have a vacation booked at Hollywood Beach Florida in February - hoping like you that things are on track for travel by then!


Oh I hope so! Part of me is contemplating putting absolutely everything on hold until it all blows over.

Maybe the Block Party can be revived next June.


The way America is handling it, it doesn't seem like it will ever blow over. I feel for parents with school age children. I think they're way out of line sending kids back to school, but yet, I know the kids really need the school work and the parents need a stable situation to deal with. It's just too risky though.
