If I Could Start All Over In Life.


The Dream

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The idea that humanity could go back in time to change his own past is good, so far there won't be serious life or health damaging issues out of it. The use of time machine is so profound in The Terminator movie that it comes at the beginning and always at the end. Movies like The Demolition Man, and the likes. Who knows, maybe truly going back in time is very possible, and if it is, I will like to go back to the begining of my life and start over to make straight path for myself in a bid to become a Pilot.

Whenever I see an aeroplane, I easily become carried away so much that I begin to imagine how such a gigantic machine could fly in the air despite the fact that my small kite can't even stay that long without the terrible gravity pulling it down.

Moreso, I will like to be a aeronautical engineer too, not only to drive the plane but also to know how it's constructed is my passion too. Aside from driving an air machine I also dreamed of building one at my leisure time too, to my own personal taste.

Do I Have A Role Model?

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Yuri Gangarin
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Neil Armstrong

Yes of course, the likes of Yuri Gangarin, Neil Armstrong inspires me whenever I read about them from our science books, current affairs and encyclopedia. These people have made a step for humans and a giant leap for mankind.

I've drawn inspiration from them in many ways, being the first in there fields and a top notch pilot too I always thought being a pilot and possibly the first from Nigeria might give me a ample opportunity to become the first Nigerian or African to go to space. That's not too big a dream to have right ?

The Skills I Need To Become A Pilot.

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I need to study science in school and come out with A's in my college subject, possibly all the subject, but I know it's majorly the core sciences and Geography. I already fulfilled this prerequisite when I was in college,the only things stopping me then was the tuition fee for the school. In addition, the school was not in the country then.

Can I Still Achieve My Dream

I believe it's not over for me yet. I can't write myself off yet, besides,I still take pleasure in anything aeronautical, the component of an plane I've googled up many times and familiarize myself with.


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