

Life's been interesting. It's been a bit of a blur too. I've just been trying to boost my income here and be as active as I can really. Call me greedy or whatever I don't know but I did get a bit nervous when the last Brofund post said they will eventually cease Hive dividends and move to their Dreamr earnings as soon as that, whatever that is exactly as it's still a mystery, becomes a place that is able to earn. I re-read the post a few times and I think I am still excited about the future there. When I think about the many successful projects/systems/movements within the Hive blockchain I believe it's actually kind of exciting that Brofund has a unique plan for the users/holders of BRO. There seems to be a solid distinct plan and so far BRO has been pretty beneficial so I am still pretty excited! It's healthy to be a teency bit nervous about something. Life shouldn't always be comfy cozy, to accomplish anything or become successful there should probably be a bit of risk involved. It's my job to be confident and aware as possible. I am trying my best to be involved and watch the convos going on on the Bro discord chatrooms. I feel pretty stupid watching them throw around numbers and mysterious terms around, but I am not a complete dummy and I'm trying my best to understand and be aware.

I am trying to create some kind of wealth for my son and my future, which in turn is obviously a better future for my son.

The break-up still lingers in my mind and I still have many regrets, but like I've been saying it's illogical and unproductive and pointless to continue to live in the past even if it only happened roughly a month and a half ago. I can't let my son, myself or my family down and just be a complete depressed bum.

My old phone number is turned off and so I am trying to change the primary number to my sister's on coinbase. So far the process is going ok, I just wish things were simpler. Blah.

I keep hearing people whine about how Hive isn't developing faster and I continue to be baffled by that crappy attitude. Seriously I think we are all becoming a bit spoiled in a sense. We can't forget how epic most of us thought this blockchain was when we first discovered it. I still have yet to find or know of any blockchains like Hive. If you believe Hive is silly, then leave. For real. Go not make money on Instagram or Facebook or Twitter. If you believe Hive is silly, you really have never been broke before. What do people want out of Hive? For you to get rich quick? Do people expect the price to rise infinitely and exponentially? If this were a place to get rich quick, this place wouldn't be legit. The simple fact that this place requires work makes this place legit.

I would not blame the blockchain itself I would blame society as a whole. People are too lazy and don't want to work for the currency I guess. This blockchain may not be perfect, but what scenario does the perfect blockchain exist? I haven't heard of a coin out there that hasn't been criticized. It's all what you make of it.

People don't want to blog, but why exactly? Like seriously why? Because people think it's lame or corny? I don't see how making money speaking your mind is lame. If people have that weak mindset that's their problem. Let's not be sheep and just agree with some bullcrap you heard. How do YOU feel about blogging? People thought books were dying out until Harry Potter came out.

End rant. LOL.

I'm going to chill, read a book to my son and watch some football. Hope everyone is having a good day.
