one of the natural beauties - the saweuk river


Hi all How are you guys
Welcome back again to my blog hive


Saweuk is a place located in the prosperous Kuta district, North Aceh. Here there is a river that is named after the area's name, namely saweuk, the river here is still very natural, in the sense that the water is clean and fresh, also the environment around the river is also not polluted because this place is still very much guarded by local residents, as well as immigrants. respect the area in the river by not polluting the river and protecting it.



This river is very beautiful when viewed from above the hills, here there are many fish that are used by residents for daily food, not much, but it can provide for two to 3 families around here, also residents around here take advantage of the tourism sector by selling so that This river plays an important role for the people around here.


This river is very beautiful too because on the left and right there are shady trees that make the river look shady, diving here makes people feel as if this is not a river but like diving in a pool because the river is very clear, rocky. -The rocks in this river make the river look even more beautiful, which makes it as if this river is the place of the gods.


That's all from the explanation of the Saweuk river, I hope the hive blog community can feel how beautiful and charming this river.
See you later
