Don't get enslaved to profitless daily trivia...


"In absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia, until we ultimately become enslaved by it."- Robert Heinlein.


Don't get enslaved to profitless daily trivia..


The man is not poor because he lacks money or wealth; the man is poor and poverty ridden because, he is enslaved with the routine of doing nothing so well he becomes an expert at nothing.

Goals makes us much more than we are given credit for and when we fail to have any or a goal, we become far away from the wins that originally are ours to own.

I think a life without goals will end up being a journey in futility saddled with compounded frustrations and tiredness.
Be goal oriented and make good moves to follow through with those goals as are set by you.

In absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia...

a man's loyalty in his duty should be one that produces results and adds to him profitability that will make wins possible and beautiful.

Being poor and ridden with poverty or hardship is a conscious decision which is usually wrapped and discussed as an unconscious one.
When you consciously decide to set your goals and follow through with them, you will become enslaved to the right activities and your unconscious mistake of being conscious will have made you well set for life.

Be conscious to make good decisions that will help you avoid the traps of the unconscious ones.

Make the world a better lace for someone today!
