Visit a museum | Expand your horizons beyond the bubbles and the limits of your immediate interest


When you finally have a chance to stop, after 8 hours of work for 7 days, the energy is so low that you can only think of staying home, making popcorn and watching a movie. And that is fine.

The museum is a business that seems distant. And, for many people (not to mention most), it actually is.

Close to where I live is the Historical Museum of Carupano - Venezuela, it is a colonial construction called Casa Massiani that houses collections of objects, documents, furniture and archaeological pieces.

Img Donacion Museo Historicojpg.jpg

A visit to the museum can be an opportunity to find countless possibilities to expand our culture and knowledge beyond the bubbles of social networks and the taste and dislike.

The following painting was a replica that I made, with recycled materials, of a Greek amphora that is in the museum, the original piece is made of metal and bronze.


It is important to remember that museums are not only places where ancient objects are kept, but there is also a great effort of research and generation of knowledge, that there are many professionals oriented to help and transmit what is developed there to the community.

Reasons to go to the museum

We live in a peculiar moment. More than ever, we are pampered, like children who say they like yogurt and receive exactly that for every meal they eat every day.

Social media algorithms and streaming platforms adapt to our tastes and preferences in a way that drives us to push buttons like mice in a lab. We were trapped, literally and metaphorically, in front of the television or holding the cell phone, spinning the wheel of the ad sale.

Although reality is tough enough and, in theory, there is nothing wrong with doing what you like, limiting yourself to that is a way of seeing life that reduces our vision of the world to the small spectrum of things that we can appreciate and understand. immediately.

Just as the body needs to face challenges a little beyond its current ability to begin to develop into previously unimaginable possibilities, the mind also benefits from little friction with the world, whether to bring it into a state of readiness that expands perception, be it with surprise, it transcends certainties and simplifications.

The museum is an extraordinary way to stimulate this process. You can access life forms that were in the past, you can understand how people of other times thought, acted and faced human problems.

(Photo from the Carupano Historical Museum)

You can see what people think is subject to the registration effort.

You can see how they expressed and understood their story in that very moment and how, over time, we see everything in a different way, when we see the chains of events that lead us to what we are now.

Bringing your children, if you have them, is an opportunity to show what was so interesting that it deserved to be preserved. It immediately stimulates curiosity, creates new questions for them, and finds itself in need of developing good answers.


If you don't have it, then it's your chance to discover a world that goes far beyond the bullets, Netflix and your bed.

Therefore, the practice of this ignition is: go to the museum.


Images of parts and instruments of the historical museum of Carupano.


An important suggestion is that you invite a group of friends and go on an expedition to the museum. Look at an exhibition and talk about what you saw. What are the stories behind that? Does the work belong to a larger movement? Who was the artist? Where did he live? What time? What are the differences between your time and ours? What justified, at that time, your aesthetic decisions? What is the biggest message behind this? How does this impact our current reality?

The entrance for the conversation, without a doubt, will not be missing. ;)

In addition, going to the museum can be a way to connect with another practice that is to exercise your eyes and avoid superficiality.



It seems to me that these days people are too focused on themselves to take the time to visit the past through a book, documentary or, indeed, a museum. I am of the opinion though, that much can be learned by delving into the past. We consistently make the same mistakes of the past and through understanding them I think we could eliminate some of them in the future.

I love attending the museum and the best I have seen was the British Museum of Natural History in London. Such an excellent day spend wandering the halls, surrounded by the exhibits.

I agree with you that people should take the time.I also appreciate your post. I am very sorry my vote is very small however I like your post nonetheless.


Greetings @allover, I appreciate your words and the time it took to read and comment on this little post, I think many people are reflecting on this stage of life during these long quarantines. As you say, many will have to look to the past to correct the mistakes of the present. Don't worry about the vote, your comment is more meaningful to me. Thank you again.


Thank you for your response. Quarantine has been difficult on many people and I think as it lifts people will start to emerge and start to gather again. I hope we can all go back to normal soon.
