Fascinating Nature : Belimbing Wuluh [ Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn ]


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I don't know whether Belimbing Wuluh fruit is used or not in your place, but for us in Indonesia, especially in the province of Aceh, Belimbing Wuluh is an important part of us women who deal with the kitchen.

Saya tidak tahu apakah buah Belimbing Wuluh digunakan atau tidak di tempat asal anda, namun bagi kami di Indonesia, khususnya provinsi Aceh, Belimbing Wuluh menjadi bahagian penting bagi kami wanita yang berurusan dengan dapur.

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That's right, Belimbing Wuluh is one of the ingredients for spices, Asam Ke'eung is one of the special fish curry dishes in Aceh, Starfruit Wuluh is used to cause sour taste in the sauce, and this is usually one of the menu favorites family cooking in our province Aceh, Indonesia.

Ya benar, Belimbing Wuluh menjadi salah satu pelengkap bumbu masakan, Asam Ke'eung adalah salah satu masakan gulai ikan yang khas di Aceh, Belimbing Wuluh digunakan untuk menimbulkan rasa asam pada kuah tersebut, dan biasanya ini menjadi salah satu favorit menu masakan keluarga di provinsi kami Aceh, Indonesia.

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If above Belimbing Wuluh is used in a fresh state which is chopped and sprinkled into a broth cooked by Asam Keu'eung. So this time I will also introduce Belimbing Wuluh which has been dried, this is called Asam Sunti

Jika diatas Belimbing Wuluh digunakan dalam keadaan segar yang dirajang-rajang dan ditaburkan ke dalam kuah yang dimasak Asam Keu'eung. Maka kali ini saya juga akan perkenalkan Belimbing Wuluh yang telah terlebih dahulu di jemur dan dikeringkan, ini dinamakan Asam Sunti

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Almost every dish in Aceh uses these two ingredients as a complement to seasoning, except for the type of curry, we don't need Belimbing Wuluh or Asam Sunti.

Hampir setiap masakan di Aceh menggunakan kedua bahan tesebut sebagai pelengkap bumbu masakan, kecuali jenis Kari, kami tak butuh Belimbing Wuluh maupun Asam Sunti.

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Belimbing Wuluh mostly grows in sub-tropical climates, Indonesia is one of the fertile areas of Belimbing Wuluh. You can find it here, because this plant does grow by itself and is rich in benefits.

Belimbing Wuluh kebanyakan tumbuh di daerah yang beriklim sub-tropis, Indonesia menjadi salah satu daerah suburnya Beliming Wuluh. Anda dapat menemukan Belimbing Wuluh disini, karena memang tanaman ini banyak tumbuh dengan sendirinya dan kaya akan manfaat.

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From the literacy that I read, Starfruit Wuluh can bear fruit 2 years since he was planted, even so there are several techniques for planting Starfruit Wuluh to quickly bear fruit and dense, one of them by means of grafting. In my province, Aceh, the price of Belimbing Wuluh is relatively expensive, for 3 items it is IDR 1000, while Asam Sunti [Starfruit Wuluh that has been dried] has a price of IDR 60,000 perkilogram.

Dari literasi yang saya baca, Belimbing Wuluh dapat berbuah 2 tahun semenjak Ia ditanaman, pun begitu ada beberapa tekhnik penenaman Belimbing Wuluh agar cepat berbuah dan lebat, salah satunya dengan cara pencangkokan. Di provinsi saya, Aceh, harga Belimbing Wuluh relatif mahal, untuk 3 butirnya IDR 1OOO, sedangkan Asam Sunti [Belimbing Wuluh yang sudah dikeringkan] memiliki harga IDR 6O.OOO perkilogramnya.

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You can easily find Belimbing Wuluh in traditional markets if you are in an urban area, now for those of us who live in rural areas, we only need to ask neighbors who have trees and bear fruit. Well, that's a glimpse of Belimbing Wuluh, a fruit that is entrenched in cooking in my province, Aceh, Indonesia.

Anda dapat dengan mudah menemukan Belimbing Wuluh di pasar-pasar tradisional jika berada di kawasan perkotaan, nah bagi kami yang tinggal di kawasan pedesaan, kami cukup hanya meminta pada tetangga yang memiliki pohonnya dan berbuah lebat. Nah, itulah sekilas tentang Belimbing Wuluh, buah yang membudaya dalam masakan di provinsi saya, Aceh, Indonesia.

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In Wikipedia I found the same explain with my opinion, and where the plants from also written there; Vegetable starfruit (also known as starfruit, reed starfruit, bottled star fruit,iron starfruit, or tamarind starfruit) or (Averrhoa Bilimbi Linn) is a type of small tree thought to have originated from the Maluku Islands and was bred and grown freely in Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, and Malaysia. This plant is usually planted in the yard to take the fruit which has a sour taste which is often used as a spice in cooking and a mixture of herbal concoctions.

Hive Gift by @doze
