Who am I?


Hello Hive.
My name is Simonas. I am 28 years old. I live in Lithuania. My blog name is @fieryfootprints. Why? Because I want to leave a mark in this world. A footprint that will remain after my death. Why fiery? In my art I use pyrography (wood burning).

I joined steemit in 2017. I was looking for a place to showcase my art. Little did I knew but steemit proved to be more than that.Soon I found myself liking the community more than some of my real life friends and acquaintances. So when community moved to Hive I had to come as well. So far this place looks even better and more promising. I like being here from the start and already knowing some people.

I said in my art. Does this mean that I am an artist? Yes and no. I try to create positive, vibrant art but I have no luck in selling my art pieces. At this point I have basically given up on idea that I will sell my art pieces in their physical form. Does this mean that I am giving up on being an artist? No. I believe that some day I will be able to earn money by sharing my works here in Hive. Also currently I am looking for a job that would allow me to earn money and still have some time to continue creating.

What content can you expect to find in my blog? My pyrography works. Few examples:

I am also posting my book Mourn of the sword.

in the past I already said that I live with my mother and that I can't sell my art pieces. I did not mention that when I was small I was sick with epilepsy. Now my health is better. It isn't painful but my communication and movements are a bit constrained. I am an introvert so I guess that's another reason.

I already said that I am trying to be an artist. But first and foremost I am a dreamer. I believe that a man can change his stars.

So day after the day I dream about distant horizons and try to improve myself. To take over the world?

No. Even that is not enough. I want to have opportunity to create my own world.
