Holding the ropes and not giving up on your resolve.


The thing about mountain climbers is that, they have the ability to stay the climb and never stop believing that they can get to the top of the mountain.
The skills needed to climb the mountain is not bought or picked from a fancy store, it is learnt in the hardest way possible and applied into the mind with a never giving stopping mindset.

I once had a discussion with a guy who was on an adventure to climb Everest and speaking with him gave me some guys if excitement that just suggests that, anything is possible when you are crazy long enough.

It has always been his dream to climb Everest since he was a farm boy living in Alaska and to get to the moment when he was ready he started practicing since the age of 12.
He said he would "tactically" climb every rock, every bench,evey tree and everything that has some level of height.

He had no idea there was the need for the ropes until he fell off a tree thereby dislocating his collar bone.

It took him months to heal and during that process, he learnt to tie and hold on to rope.

Fast forward 18 years later, he was heading to his destination armed with his ropes and self taught climbing skills and determination to not quit.

He didn't get far because he soon took ill and had to take a break to recover but he didn't give up his dream of climbing Everest.

4 years later, he headed back again to that destination and eventually had his day to climb like every other person on mission.

I don't know if he eventually go to make the climb, but I am sure he will and look forward to seeing him again to talk about his experience.

The winds will blow you so hard that you will be thrown off your tracks but never forget that if you are holding on to the ropes, you will be able to regain your feet to continue the climb.

Never give up on you and never forget to get the ropes in place for when you are making that climb.
