Macro photography of common persimmon



once again I come to you with macro photography, I would like to thank all those who have already followed me and those who have not yet followed me,

I will tell you to follow me so that you can see new posts every day It's beautiful and I took pictures with a lot of effort.

so I hope you like these pictures so today I will tell you where I took these pictures and why I took them and when it was time to say first.

I took it this afternoon and if I tell you why I I took it to share with you here, although I have never taken such pictures before,

but since I started posting, I have started taking beautiful pictures, but I would like to say to those of you who already know me,

I said I would finish this week's macrography just like I said today is the last day of macrography you can't see your my macro photography from today.

So I've been doing macro photography for about two weeks now so I don't want to take a break yet I decided to be strict but.

I will definitely come back after a break after a while with macro photography and this time you can see other types of posts regularly.

I will try This was my post today. I hope you like it. Many thanks to everyone for reading the full post
