Leave your comfort zone; Nothing good comes easy


Hello there, I have a little piece from my desk for you out there, I hope you find it interesting and it blesses you as well.

In the world today, nothing good comes easy, there's a price to be paid if one wants to succeed and prosper.



In all sectors and facets of life we all have different prizes to pay in order to stand out, succeed and prosper.

For example, as a student, I wouldn't just finish school in the supposed year I am to finish, and I won't even be able to pass with good grades and flying colors if I don't sacrifice time to read and study.

Apart from that, there are many things as a young lady I would like to have at this time it maybe clothes, shoes, bags, jewelries etc.

Now, if I can't control myself and have self control I might just do things like sleeping with men to get money, stealing etc just to get all of those I mentioned.

Now, my dream of becoming a great teacher and also building a good citadel of learning will be tampered with because I have at this point try to get what isn't necessary and not sit down to do what I need to do.

Apart from that, some people do say I want to be a good Christian and live a life of Christ.

That is a good desire but it can only happen if the person involved will try and seek to know God deeply by reading the Bible and meditating as well as putting it into practice.

Also, keep the commandments of God and walking according to God's precepts and staying away from things that will hinder us from getting close to God.

Another example is that of being hungry, food will not fall from heaven and drop for you, the price to be paid is to stand up and work so that money will come and then you can buy food, cook and eat.

There are many other instances I would love to share, but I'll just stop here, I'll share it some other time.

Thank you for reading, I appreciate.

I am @mhizerbee, thanks for engaging my blog.


Nothing comes easy if you don't put out the work. Constant learning and discipline and motivation is required for success
