Who is a woman?????



When she is quiet, millions of things are running in her mind. When she stares at you, she is wondering why she loves you so very much, in spite of being taken for granted. When she says I will stand by you, she will stand by you like a rock no matter what.

Never hurt her or take her for granted. this is a very heart touching message by a woman.
Someone asked her, Are you a working woman or a housewife?
She replied: Yes, I am a full-time working housewife. I work 24 hours a day. I'm a Mum. I'm a Wife. I'm a Daughter. I'm a Daughter-in-law. I'm an Alarm clock. I'm a Cook. I'm a Maid. I'm a Teacher. I'm a Waiter. I'm a Nanny. I'm a Nurse. I'm a Handyman.

I'm a Security officer. I'm a Counsellor. I'm a Comforter. I don't get holidays. I don't get sick leave. I don't get day off. I work through day and night. I'm on call all hours and get paid with a sentence. What Do u Do All Day??


Dedicated to all women, Woman has the most unique character like salt, her presence is never remembered but her absence makes all the things tasteless. please men love and respect your wife, for no reason should you regard her less. I see how most of the men today regard their wife a nothing which is not right.

Most kids are very rude and arrogant to their mothers, why because most mothers are soft hearted or even all of them. so children tend to use this against them, but for me my case is different because the woman that gave birth to me is no way calm or soft hearted lol. but deep down there they is this love she have for us.

It pains me when ever I hear that in most part of the world women are not allowed to raise their voice to give their own suggestions or contribute in family matters they are seen as tools for pleasures and cook, very wrong they should as well be given upper hand in the control of the family.

I still take a look at my mom, when I was still little my dad do go out for work in another state while we the kids will be left for our mom and we give her a lot of head ache lol. they was a time my younger sister playfully inserted hook used in catching fish in her palm, it got stock in her palm she was crying profusely, my mother had to rush out from the kitchen to were she was took her in her arms and comforted her.

before you know it tears start running down her cheeks, she rushed with her to the nearby health center and they tried removing the hook from her palm, and all this while the food was still on the fire, before she got back the food got burnt. she still went ahead cook something we managed that night to bed, though it has been long but that incidence is still fresh in my memory.

As a young boy still hustling please after you must have make it in life never you forget your mother make sure you spoil her with much love. don't joke with your mother.

thanks for reading through my block.
by @obrisgold1
