To break the Coffee habits...



Coffee isn't much of a threat to me like alcohol, that's why I write a lot about my excessive booze intake habit as a form of therapy, and I'm happy I'm losing that habit speedily. Unlike coffee, which seems like a harmless beverage; at some point there's a coffee overdose which means too much caffeine in the body system and could have a severe toll on your performance.

So I figured that since I can't do without a cup of coffee in a day, I could improvise; by that I switched to a very creamy cup coffee from the all black thick cup of coffee. You can see in my jumbo mug my creamy steamy dose; there's a three-in-one kind of Nescafè coffee that isn't decaffeinated but comes with milk(cream) and sugar. But to make it more creamy and less caffeine strong I fortified it with powered cream which is also called milk, that way I have suppressed the caffeine power at least to some extent.

Coffee addiction is closely related to cigarette addiction, you have too much caffeine in your blood streams and it could be bad for your systems as they could start malfunctioning. Your constant and regular sleep might go away, you could be losing your appetite or not eating much as it should be; you can also develop erection dysfunction as a matured male, plus other health stuffs that comes with it.

For me it hasn't gotten to any of these stage but part of being smart is knowing what is good for the body before it ruins your health, that is why I'm breaking it and also I could go for a week(s) without tasting a cup of coffee or anything with caffeine in them!

©Image taken with my iPhone
