Islamic Center Lhokseumawe, One of the Biggest Mosque in Aceh Province, Indonesia



The Islamic Center Mosque is one of the largest mosques in my city. The mosque, which was inaugurated since 2006, is able to accommodate tens of thousands of worshipers who pray here.

Mesjid Islamic Center adalah salah satu mesjid terbesar di kota saya, Mesjid yang diresmikan semenjak tahun 2006 ini mampu menampung hingga puluhan ribu jamaah yang melaksanakan shalat disini.


This mosque is often used as a place for worship on Islamic holidays, such as Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha and also the implementation of the last prayer on the night of the month of Ramadan.

Masjid ini sering dijadikan tempat pelaksanaan ibadah di hari-hari besar islam, seperti Idul Fitri, Idul Adha dan juga pelaksanaan shalat terawih di malam bulan Ramadhan.


During the Eid al-Adha prayer on July 31, I performed the Eid prayer in this mosque, even though in the midst of a pandemic, the congregation performing Eid prayers in this mosque seemed quite crowded.

Pada pelaksanaan Shalat Idul Adha pada 31 Juli kemarin saya melaksanakan shalat eid di mesjid ini, meski di tengah pandemi jamah yang melaksanakan shalat eid di mesjid ini tampak cukup padat sekali.


This year's eid prayer is a little different from the previous years, if this year the time for the sermon is shortened to minimize the center of the crowd. So in previous years, people without having to worry about a long time when reading the Eid prayer sermon.

Pelaksaan shalat eid tahun ini sedikit berbeda dengan pelaksanaan tahun-tahun sebelumnya, jika tahun ini dipersingkat waktunya saat khutbah untuk meminimalisir pusat keramaian. Maka tahun-tahun sebelumnya masyarakat tanpa harus khawatir dengan waktu yang lama saat pembacaan khutbah shalat eid tersebut.


These photos are some of my documentation after performing the Eid al-Adha prayer at the Islamic Center mosque in Lhokseumawe city. I took this photo after the eid prayer in congregation. It can be seen in the picture of a number of worshipers leaving the mosque and about to leave the Islamic center. I used the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 smartphone camera to capture this moment which took place in one of the largest mosques in Aceh Province, Indonesia.

Foto-foto ini adalah sejumlah dokumentasi saya usai melaksanakan shalat Idul Adha di mesjid Islamic Center kota Lhokseumawe. Foto tersebut saya abadikan seusai shalat eid berjamaah, tampak pada gambar sejumlah jamaah keluar dari mesjid dan hendak meninggalkan Islamic center. Saya menggunakan kamera smarthphone Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 untuk mengabadikan moment tersebut yang berlangsung di salah satu mesjid terbesar di Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia.



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