The Rest of the Moon is Close to the Sunrise



This morning maybe I was too early to visit the rice fields in my village, the plan I want to watch the sun rise in the morning. I chose to leave early, after the morning prayer I departed using a motorbike to the rice fields.

Pagi tadi mungkin aku terlalu dini mengunjungi kawasan persawahan di desaku, rencananya aku ingin menyaksikan mentari terbit di pagi hari. Aku memilih pergi lebih awal, setelah shalat shubuh aku berangkat menggunakan motor ke pematang sawah.


Watching the sun in the rice fields is one of the things that is very easy to do for hunting photography, because the rice fields in my village face to face with the morning sun. Maybe because I went there too early, I had time to witness the rest of the moon that was about to leave the night before that morning

Menyaksikan mentari di Sawah adalah salah satu hal yang sangat mudah dilakukan untuk hunting photography, karena persawahan didesaku berhadapan langsung dengan terbitnya mentari pagi. Mungkin karena terlalu dini aku berangkat kesana, aku sempat menyaksikan sisa rembulan yang hendak meninggalkan malam jelang pagi itu


The atmosphere of the morning turned a little cloudy, I saw clouds began to close the morning sun, only the shadow of the sun that looked ripe. Not satisfied with the weather this morning, but fortunately I had a chance to take a picture of the moon I had witnessed.

Suasana pagi berubah sedikit mendung, aku melihat awan mulai menutup mentari pagi, hanya bayang mentari yang terlihat ranum. Tidak puas rasanya akan cuaca pagi ini, namun untungnya aku sempat memotret rembulan yang tadi sempat kusaksikan.


Mornings in the paddy fields are something fun to do, besides the comfortable weather. I could see the morning dew still on the rice leaves. I took some of these pictures using a smartphone camera xiaomi redmi not 4. Hope you all enjoy it.

Pagi hari di pematang sawah adalah sesuatu yang menyenangkan untuk dilakukan, selain suasana cuaca yang nyaman. Aku bisa melihat embun pagi yang masih hinggap di daun-daun padi. Aku mengambil beberapa gambar ini menggunakan kamera smartphone xiaomi redmi not 4. Semoga anda semua menikmatinya.



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