Togo Review - Friendship and Loyalty Between a Dog and a Human


Disney, as usual, offers us a magical work that brings people and animals together.
Disney has excelled in this film a lot and managed to provide us with a wonderful work full of brightness.
I enjoyed this movie a lot and took many notes while watching it so that I can give you an ideal review.

  • Initial release date: December 20, 2019
  • Director: Erickson Core
  • Music composed by: Mark Isham
  • Budget: 40 million USD
  • Nominations: Writers Guild of America Award for Television: Long Form - Original


The story

When diphtheria began to spread in the town of Nome, the townspeople had no choice but to treat them 700 miles away, but unfortunately there was a storm coming in addition to the great distance that kept them away from the treatment, so they lost hope that there was a solution to this disease until they came up with the idea of ​​ice skis and its hero William And William Dafeo and his dog Togo have already set out on a mission to fetch therapy. It's a simple, cool movie that affects hearts.

Willem Dafeo was able to play the role with great ingenuity. Although he was committed to the role as a very nervous and temperamental hero, but he was the beloved person throughout the movie, especially after he touched our hearts the pleasant relationship that formed between him and his dog Togo throughout the movie and the events that took place between them where they were able to touch the hearts of the viewers To the last moment.
Alaska residents had a special relationship with their dogs, as William Togo considered a colleague, business friend, and obedient dog. That relationship was the most popular attraction to viewers and was a major reason for the film's success.
Since the main performance of the dog Togo was not different from humans, you will enjoy William as he recites Shakespeare's notice behind the sleigh.
Although the film transmits to us a wonderful environment of snowy mountains, frozen lakes, and a bright white environment, the true feelings emanating from the film had a greater role in the success of the film and in affecting the viewer.

In this movie, you will find real feelings that affect you from a village whose people struggle to die from a pervasive disease and a hero running along with his dog to save the situation and bring treatment to the village, as well as an interesting journey full of natural terrain and amazing scenes.

William and his dog face dangerous situations of temperatures that nearly kill you and eliminate you and a loud storm that rocks you from one side to another, as well as crossing the frozen lakes that start to melt, but William's superior courage and his vision of children behind him who die from illness made him go ahead with unparalleled courage, as well as if his dog understands what is going on around him He sympathizes with him and works harder than William.

The dog challenged everyone as a small and weak and led a march carrying treatment and serum in 1925. Despite William's matchless match, the movie bore the name of the dog Togo.


Production design

When Togo is taken, we must stop in front of the production design elements that were among the most prominent and influential artistic elements of the film and if it were not, it would have lost a great deal of its magnificence.

The role of these elements did not stop us taking time back several decades only; It also contributed to the expression of the nature of life in Alaska, which is mired in chaos and demagoguery and that suffers from widespread disease

The design of the clothes was also quite distinctive, especially William's fashions in its various stages. It was well suited to the icy environment.


I can't say much about this point, but I will just say that it was appropriate for events. Actors and plot thanks so much for making this movie a success.



Cinematography was great, if you love ice and love the appearance of the polar environment, or if you want to have a sense of the experience of freezing cold, I advise you to watch the movie.

The movie will take you on an amazing journey with cinematography, and you will truly feel in that spacious environment.

One of the amazing things is depicting events in a surprising and surprising way, but nonetheless it was also depicted in a terrifying way, as there is a imminent danger surrounding the two protagonists in the movie and the struggle for life or to save others.

But despite that wonderful experience that I personally experienced in this movie, most Disney films always depict the troubles facing the hero, and this is certainly very important and expected to happen, but the exaggeration in portraying these difficulties and maximizing them may give a bad character but It definitely gives excitement and liveliness to the movie.

The Directing

The director was able to combine his various art tools to provide a cinematic picture rich in detail, taking advantage of every available element in front of him of colors, lighting and shadows beside the angles of photography.

Where his movie included scenes of extreme excitement, violence and extreme cruelty in line with the nature of the nervous personality, but at the same time it is calculated to provide wonderful feelings, increased psychological impact on the viewer as well as its impact on events.

Positive messages

  • Design, courage, love of others and hard work.
  • Throughout history, the dog has been the man's best friend.
  • Despair is not an option for any of us.
  • Go your way diligently and it will facilitate all difficulties.
  • Finally, never receive


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This is a wonderful review. I had to watch the thriller after reading this and it is a must watch for me.

Thanks for the review!
