Who is this from?



The wind was blowing hard this afternoon
Make lots of fallen leaves
Many tree branches have broken
It turned out that the rain was pouring down

It's ready to observe out
I continued reading this book
Mother's favorite book when she was young
Until now the mother said

What's so special about this book
Even though this is just an ordinary book for me
My curiosity is increasingly becoming
Maybe this is the reason

An old letter
I slowly opened it
And all was answered
It must be because of this old letter

An old letter
Written by a man
Who is this romantic man?
Surely he is the poet

Until the end of that sentence I read
My smile widens
It turns out that the poet is
My own father


Hi there, @rhosadah! Thank you for posting this beautiful poem in the OCD Community!

We're currently aiming to direct traffic into different niche communities that we (OCD) support for them to grow aswell as get a better community trending page for our readers (read more about this in our recent announcement post).

Thus, we would prefer it if you could post your poetry in The Ink Well Community, which is a community for poets and writers alike. You are welcome to cross-post your posts from that community onto OCD with the peakd.com feature to get more visibility and engagement from the OCD subscribers.

For a list of all of the communities we’re curating right now please check the recent ocd community incubation post.

Thanks again,
- @xves
OCD Incubation Moderator
