Hook, line and thinker


In a couple of conversations today the idea of writing for health has come up, something I believe would be beneficial for anyone that does it, especially if they are consistent. It is kind of like a meditative practice where one explores the mind and sees what arrives, but rather than letting it go, follow the thread of thought to see where it leads. Of course, not all kinds of writing are suitable for this perhaps, this is more on the personal side of things, the exploration of what is important in that moment.

I read a post Write even when nobody is looking by @niallon11, where he is talking about the benefits of writing daily and I will add a quote by him to highlight a part of it,

To form good habits we need to practice them. Nobody has ever gotten to the top of their game by just turning up once. It's about turning up every day and doing the right things. I've always been a huge advocate of putting in consistent effort over time if you want to be successful at anything.

This is a different quote to which I used in my reply to him, but this is an important one when it comes to building any skill - and that includes, the skill of thought. A lot of people tend to take the default approach to thinking without considering how their thought process developed to the point it is now. For most of us, our defaults were built in childhood and solidified as we age without building the intention of thought, we meander more than direct. This is fine, but we also don't have an inbuilt reflective mechanism, so we wander through thoughts without considering why we are having them, what they mean or, where they could lead.

I think that writing is a process that slows the brain down enough to give the opportunity for some review and also provides a point of focus. Also, even if we are not presenting it to the world, we are putting it "out there" in some way and that will mean that we will put a little more consideration into what we deliver. If we are putting it into the public eye, this will often come with some level of "editing" which requires reflection and consideration of perspective. This means that instead of just looking at it through our own glasses, we will attempt to see it from other angles.

Writing is like having a private discussion and debate with a group of people in one's head, some of which might not be too kind in their appraisal of the ideas being presented. While we are exploring our thoughts, we are acknowledging them, ordering them and perhaps discovering that what we believe might not be quite as we believe it to be or, that our relationship with it is different to what we thought.

As said, thinking is like any skill and while some are naturally talented, all can benefit from developing the skill in different ways. As you might remember, I have a theory of promiscuous thinking where thoughts and ideas bang together to create new thoughts and ideas, and the more thought that takes place, the greater the speed of creation as ground can be covered much faster.

I believe that the more we write, the more we can, because the thoughts we have attract more thoughts and by doing so, the practice increases and the skill develops further to speed the thought process and then - we have a increasingly rapid stream of thought to choose from each moment.

A lot of people have a challenge to write daily, but it probably isn't a writing problem at all, it is a thinking problem. It is "hard" to come up with content daily (or multiple times) if we are not thinking that much normally. These days, we are highly consumptive of pre-chewed content, content that is easy to passively digest and because of this, we don't have to think much about what we are consuming - just sit back and enjoy. The problem is that skills degrade from disuse and the "use it or lose it" applies to thinking processes too.

I liken poor thought patterns to thinking when very tired or under stress, as the mind wanders and skips and jumps, finds it hard to focus, hard to comprehend - because in these moments, the thinking patterns are failing. Then we consume a great deal of the "fast-food" content where thought is relatively unnecessary, our brain gets very comfortable and then when it is called upon to think, hasn't stretched and therefore, feels stressed and pressured to perform, which isn't ideal.

Writing consistently gives us the space to process, a blank page to run through what we may have already passively digested, without even really tasting what we ate. That blank page seems daunting to many and once upon a time it was uncomfortable for me too, but now it is a pleasure, a field of play where my thoughts can run wild while still being tied to certain rules of the game in form and function in order to make it consumable.

The blank page is a playground, not a classroom - and all the important lessons of life are learned whilst playing.

While a lot of people think they have to "be a writer" to write, that is not the case at all. All you have to be is willing to explore your own mind and what I strongly believe is that those who do this regularly, will have an increasingly strong mind for it and, that will affect many other aspects of their life in positive ways. This doesn't mean it is easy, but it is rewarding.

My hope is that everyone spends some time reflecting through writing as I believe that in a world that is filled with polarized and explosive emotional response, a lot of emotional control will be developed along the way - and that makes for a much better discussion and build bridges for collaboration on ideas, rather than burning them down. Not only that, the ideas that get brought to the table will generally be better developed and presented in a way that people will be far more open to engaging with, which ups the odds of participation i the discussion and the evolution of the idea into something better.

Get writing - for those who start I believe most will get hooked, run the line and be a better thinker for it.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


After writing an article I always fees like I was modified a little bit. Even if it's a bad post, there is a pleasure of creating something from nothingness.

It's after coming to hive I've started writing these much words. After writing for a few days it became a routine and I have something to write most of these days.


After writing an article I always fees like I was modified a little bit. Even if it's a bad post, there is a pleasure of creating something from nothingness.

I love this thought and I agree, we are modified through our actions and writing tends to connect our thoughts to the physical experience in some way.

I am glad that you are writing here and I have read when I have a chance - I will try to comment more as well.



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I used to be part of those that believe that writing was a talent and not something that could be learnt or something that anyone could dive into. But with putting together my own introductory post, it gave me the ability to really learn and even unlearn certain things. In as much as my posts or writings will be from my own point of view, it will definitely be more flexible and not as rigid as it would have originally been. Another beautiful write up. Thank you.


Write and write and write - especially when you are not in the mood, or in a bad mood, or are tired or angry. You don't need to write about those things directly, but it helps.



Thank you for this. I actually have not been in the mood today to even read talk less write. Just one of those days that you can't shake the funk. I really appreciate


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While we are exploring our thoughts, we are acknowledging them, ordering them and perhaps discovering that what we believe might not be quite as we believe it to be or, that our relationship with it is different to what we thought.

I feel like this whole parade of very refreshing thoughts is directed to me and my writing woes. I in return should say that I definitely agree writing helps us revisit even toxic emotions like anger and hatred with a softer perspective if I may say so.


I wonder if revisiting the toxic sides of life, we can not only apply softer eyes, but discover value where we thought was only pain.



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The blank page is a playground, not a classroom - and all the important lessons of life are learned whilst playing.

You set that up, didn't you? Knowing damn well that I and maybe others just could not leave that bit of acute wisdom alone. Well said.

I call it mental popcorn. Starts slow after heat is applied (the blinking cursor) and then finishes in a rush with more ideas and concepts than I can possibly use. When I am extreme popcorn mode I have to write ideas down because there are just way too many to remember or even consider. In the physical world the dog will help me eat popcorn, but he's not much help with mental popcorn.

I also believe strongly that writers need to read. Not pablum or mush, but real reading that either explores and idea (s) or subconsciously shows us better writing and structure than is our norm. Once in a while I find something that does both.

I always look forward to your daily servings of meat and potatoes. If ingested a lifetime's worth of mush. Thank you.


You set that up, didn't you? Knowing damn well that I and maybe others just could not leave that bit of acute wisdom alone. Well said.

I just ramble, I never know what is going to come out :D

Mental popcorn is a good description. I wish that *I could write faster or, write several pieces at once as I have a poor memory and once something arrives, if I don't capture it fast enough - it is gone.

I also believe strongly that writers need to read. Not pablum or mush, but real reading that either explores and idea (s) or subconsciously shows us better writing and structure than is our norm. Once in a while I find something that does both.

I agree - though don't read much currently. I see it as having good sources of nutrition, not empty calories. At the moment, my life is full of sources.

I always look forward to your daily servings of meat and potatoes. If ingested a lifetime's worth of mush. Thank you.

You are always welcome.



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I indeed have a funny way of reflecting in my mind when I write. Not so much in the direct comments, but more in the longer writings. You see? I have three names and each one is a different personalty. So it is a community in my head. One is a stern lecturing type, one is a troubadour almost gypsy type and the third one is a bit of a naughty humerous type. Now this may sound a bit wonky, but these guys regularly get into argument when I write. The one says; "Is that right", the other says "Who cares" and the third one says "Go for it".

Once we start to write it's only natural for our very different experiences to emerge and blended with the experiences of others at times it can deliver great ideas and prose.
Especially on a subjects like community or hive, as there are gold in them hills (heads) if only we can overcome our own inhibitations and insecurities.
Writing can indeed be fun, all we have to do is to release the flow!

Just my own thoughts here!


I love that you have a narrative for what is going on up there and how you understand that there are conflicts between ourselves. I guess when all are silent - things are okay ;)

Especially on a subjects like community or hive, as there are gold in them hills (heads) if only we can overcome our own inhibitations and insecurities.

Many write about Hive/community for votes - without seeing that the real value is having a Petrie dish of life that can be explored from a thousand angles. I enjoy writing this kind of content because it connects at so many levels.

Thanks for stopping by and adding your thoughts!



Thank you and that lot is hardly ever silent my friend. In bed at night I bid all of them goodnight and then the fun starts. The one says "turn onto your left side", the other one says "no turn onto your right side" and the third one says "Wtf let's sleep"
Then the other two turn on the one for swearing and so it goes 😜

A Petrie dish "nogal" an Afrikaans word that you can check here, https://www.howtopronounce.com/nogal

I am rather fond of writing about a tapestry of thoughts and ideas woven together in a scribe, but I am old fashioned hahaha.

You do indeed connect on many levels here and let's hope many more comments come in so that we all can learn from each other!


It used to be that getting to sleep was very hard for me as when my head hit the pillow, I would start thinking. What I discovered was that the more I "completed" during the day, the easier it was. When I went to bed knowing I did my bet, not procrastinating, sleep was easy. That has been even more apparent since starting to write consistently.

I am rather fond of writing about a tapestry of thoughts and ideas woven together in a scribe, but I am old fashioned hahaha.

Perhaps if we were all a little more old-fashioned, things would be better :)

hope many more comments come in so that we all can learn from each other!

This is always the hope. The more discussion, the better this place becomes.


Thank you for sharing your experiences and maybe you should do a post about bedtime thoughts and its effects on troubled sleeping patterns?
Procrastination is a true one, but there are also many others such as money, lovers, loneliness,work, self worth and even irrational fear that assails one in the dark hours. Not to even mention the nescessity of a clear conscience.

The days and manners of the old time are steadildily being erradicated by what they call "progress" along with the old morals.

I apologise for tagging you in my latest post today, but it is a subject matter that is very close to my heart!



Not to even mention the nescessity of a clear conscience.

I think this is what I mean more by not procrastinating - doing my best to clear the day of all tasks possible, which means I have nothing hanging over my head and even when there are tasks left to do, I know I couldn't have done them today anyway.

I apologise for tagging you in my latest post today, but it is a subject matter that is very close to my heart!

I don't mind. I miss many tags too, so it isn't foolproof :D


Sorry, only saw this miss now. I don't know where I was a day ago, as it's now history 🙂

"I know I couldn't have done them today anyway".

It's that last part that always irks me, as I have a lot to do, as I am sure that you have, but for reasons out of our control, we just cannot get to them.

For instance, I have to wait for the rainy season to be over before I can install our new carport roof. So I can only get to it in November.

I am also planning a small veggie tunnel, so that we grow potatoes for the feeding schemes, but that has to wait for Spring.

Our enforced power cuts have started again and we have to sit with a roster to figure out how to fit all of our activities in between the off times.
Problem is when we are "on", the areas where we feed are "off" and visa versa.

The new coding training project cannot start as we cannot find a volunteer trainer and on and on it goes.

I try to pacicify myself by saying that it is out of my control, but still, it is not a comfortable feeling.

Such is life!


Hola amigo, es verdad lo que dices referente de tener libertad de pensamiento, es como una compuerta abierta a todo lo existente, nos hace mirar mas halla, extendernos mas, para lograr un objetivo, gracias por compartir.


Please translate your text so I can read it easily on my phone. I do not speak Spanish.


Hola puedes hacer uso del traductor de gougle, es facil, gracias.


Writing is like having a private discussion and debate with a group of people in one's head

I like saying that writing/speaking is nothing more than the externalization of our own thoughts and ideas. That's why the complete freedom os speech cannot be compromised, no matter how absurd the topic is ― writing/speaking is the only way to expand one's mind, change opinion and seek truth.

A person who cannot freely write/speak is locked inside his/her own mind; internalization leads to resentment, which leads to all sorts of explosive behaviors. Particular true in relationships where communication is difficult; it ends in disaster.

These days, we are highly consumptive of pre-chewed content, content that is easy to passively digest and because of this, we don't have to think much about what we are consuming

Absolutely agree. What makes it even worst is that most of the pre-chewed content is futile (i.e. some stuff on Instagram), yet people spend a lot of time there without noticing. Waisted time and brain power. Worrying.


A person who cannot freely write/speak is locked inside his/her own mind; internalization leads to resentment, which leads to all sorts of explosive behaviors. Particular true in relationships where communication is difficult; it ends in disaster.

I disagree. It doesn't have to have an audience, it needs to be well considered. I think part of the problem today is that people write for the audience without actually considering their topic or the ramifications of it. Instead, they pour their emotions out uncontrollably, like toddlers - except instead of being hungry or needing a nappy changed, they are "hurt" by whatever perceived slight the world has inflicted upon them - eternal victims with no move to develop the tools of understanding to heal themselves and take agency.

People waste a lot of time in this world on platforms and in front of screens while doing very little of value in other areas. People work for the weekend, consume for avoidance.



I think part of the problem today is that people write for the audience without actually considering their topic or the ramifications of it.

I get you there, and I agree. Perhaps it's a reflex of the internet age that gives voice to people who wouldn't voice themselves otherwise. But still, I consider it as positive. It gives a chance for people to look back and reconsider what they've written in the past; or it's a way for readers to access what's written and point out what's wrong.

However, as you correctly pointed out, most of what we see on social media is emotional. It's impossible to argue with someone emotional and help them perceive another point of view. Totally agree with you there.

Anyways, next years will me weird indeed in terms of communication as people study less, listen less, and talk more.


But still, I consider it as positive. It gives a chance for people to look back and reconsider what they've written in the past; or it's a way for readers to access what's written and point out what's wrong.

We have many chances in this world, few take them. For most, there is always the next drama to bandwagon onto, the next "social movement" engineered to take attention away from doing something of real import, another headline for the emotion suckers to feed upon. People fee that what they are doing is valuable, even while in the next breath they contradict their own position.


Yeah, what you said makes sense.. as if people are always looking for approval or to feel accepted.

Have you seen the so called 'canceling culture'? It's worrying to say the least. People bring back things written way into the past and go full blow against it, not leaving the writer a chance to reconsider.

After our quick chat here I believe we both agree: communication is key and the world is going somewhat the wrong way.


Have you seen the so called 'canceling culture'? It's worrying to say the least. People bring back things written way into the past and go full blow against it, not leaving the writer a chance to reconsider.

Heard of it, but I don't spend much time on centralized media and I don't watch the news at all. The world we support is a mess, and then we complain about it :)


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I don't post every day to Hive or anywhere really, but I do comment every day on Hive, before Hive almost everyday on steemit. I have found at least one thing everyday to leave a comment on for the last two years.

When growing up the libraries had an advertising campaign of Reading is FUNdamental. I was a late bloomer when it came to reading, after learning though, I would read for fun every day.

Now with things like Steem and Hive, I not only have fun Reading, but also writing via comments. it took awhile before I was comfortable making comments but now I don't feel strange about commenting on post from total strangers. All our early childhood years, via school, home and entertainment, we were taught not to talk to strangers. I always found that rather odd, how do you meet people if you are supposed to not talk to strangers?

I think commenting can help people build their confidence up by small steps at a time. Like most my early comments were short not much more than expanded thank you's really, after awhile they built as my confidence built writing them. I didn't get down voted 52 times every time I made a comment or asked a question. Time and practice has certainly helped my confidence commenting. My small steps one day they may lead to giant leaps in writing.


I think that the way you comment is much like a post anyway - it is thoughtful and considers the content well. This is "active consumption" and then reflection.

it took awhile before I was comfortable making comments but now I don't feel strange about commenting on post from total strangers.

I had this for a long time too and I have found that on unknown accounts, I probably still comment with less words, but I think that this might be because I am not sure what kind of response I am going to get. I am not a fan of writing a few paragraphs for no response, which is why in general, I respond :)

My small steps one day they may lead to giant leaps in writing.

For sure. I think that just the exploration has value and if you have the time and will, why not?


It is a consideration on new accounts that I run across also, whether brand new or an old account I have never commented on. On some of the older accounts, people that have been around for awhile, I am still pretty cautious, but with the newer ones, not so much a little bit so as not to scare them off since they may be used to only-'nice post" or nice picture, or "nice Video" -comments from their previous haunts.


On the older accounts, I sometimes check what their comment history looks like - I dislike seeing (especially highly rewarded authors) who have more open posts than comments, and their comments are like "thanks" - annoying.


Yep, I have seen a lot of the thanks only comments from some highly rewarded content. They of course will say they just don't have the time to respond to everyone, I do understand that when there is 150 comments, but I have seen others with as many comments respond, like you, your brother, Asher, Marky, and other people that get a ton of comments at least try to get to most of the comments.


They of course will say they just don't have the time to respond to everyone

They don't mind claiming their rewards though ;D
or replying to those who have stake.


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Beautiful article. Writing heals the soul and makes things worth while. Plus the skills we have is a gift we have since birth. Need to make the right use of it !

Thank you for sharing this article:)


We all learn to read and write (most of us) when we are older, but communication is something that starts before we are born - kicking on the walls of the uterus :D


Hahaha.. soo true. Completely agree with u :D


The more you write the more you can. And the blank page is a playground. I couldn't agree more. Thinking is a habit. Our mind is a muscle. It needs daily training. Of course that most would like to take the easy way out and procrastinate or consume "fast food" content. Question: what does that do to your mind and how come so many fail to notice?

I believe in the power of writing. I prefer it. I find it lately even better to have a journal, to actually write things down there.

A lot of people do not write because they don't have the right answer to "What am I getting from this if no one reads me?". It is so detrimental to put the pressure of gaining palpable things out of pouring out the thoughts when I believe that the benefits of writing are in the writing process itself.

Write even when nobody sees you.... That is good advice.



Of course that most would like to take the easy way out and procrastinate or consume "fast food" content. Question: what does that do to your mind and how come so many fail to notice?

It is like getting fat, it happens in degrees and people do not see/feel the degradation immediately. A bit at a time, we get dumber and dumber :)

The journal is good, if you can keep the habit. For me it never stuck, but I guess that this is my journal now :)

It is interesting to note that we want something external out of it, without seeing the intrinsic value of it. People seem very happy to see "the intrinsic value" of what they consume, but expect that what they get ou of what they create is tangible - Especially on Hive.



The process of dumbification is so slow that this must be a reason why some don't realise what they are doing to their mind. You did a great comparison with the added weight!

I recently started to keep a journal, it is definetely an interesting thing. I shall see where it leads me.

Having the Hive blog is almost like a journal too, I agree on this. It feels so good to spread the thoughts on this white canvas and have others put their quality input into it as well. For me it has been one of the best blogging experiences I ever had. I can see it has been the same for you😊



You did a great comparison with the added weight!

I use examples I know! ;D

I recently started to keep a journal, it is definetely an interesting thing. I shall see where it leads me.

Maybe it will lead to new ideas for Hive.

I can see it has been the same for you

pretty much the only blogging experience I have ever had. I am kind of like someone who married their first love without knowing any other.


I will surely get ideas lol. Since I discovered you Taraz I found your writing to always be inspiring. You have a talent in speaking your mind and getting to the point in a way that makes reading you very relaxing and also thought provoking. The last part I like the most about any writing style which has that rare quality on a blog.



Thank you for the kind words

makes reading you very relaxing and also thought provoking.

This is what I have hoped. I know I write a lot, but I hope it is an easy read while still being useful. =)


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We do think on a regular basis but on different levels. We need to make sure that our skills are always polished and this can be exercisd thru writing and communicating with others.

I missed writing here on Hive. I really need to heal my wounds before I start doing so. Though being hurt and being sidelined can always trigger a good topic and for me to start ranting but then again I still value this platform and promote positivity among each members.

Dropping by to say hi.


We do think all the time, but what I find interesting is what we are thinking and when. Sitting down with someone talking about how much they enjoy watching some random show, but while they are watching they are surfing Instagram.

What kinds of wounds need heeling?



Hello there. As expected, you really respond to comments. I'm honored by your response.

That is what you call multitasking. You do some certain things while dividing your concentration to two or more tasks at the same time. But yes, I agree with you, it would require more effort for us to think because it's either we listen just to respond or we hear people out to understand.

The wounds can be plastered with a band-aid solution. It's about the hive community thingie but it's better left unsaid rather than create a havoc to that peaceful community just because I was a crybaby who confided to a whale. Will be your constant follower from now on.


That is what you call multitasking

Multitasking is a very ineffective method of getting anything done well.

I thought you meant some kind of physical wounds.


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Firstly, thanks for the quote. It always makes me feel good when I see somebody using my thoughts as a jump off point. Makes me look like a real writer. 😂

I agree with you on this one as well. I find that writing clears my head. It's a great process for sorting through though and seeing which are important enough to put into writing and which are unessessary.

The more that you do it. The more that you stimulate your mind and get sharpen it. We know that the brain is a muscle so what could be better than stretching it out on a daily basis and putting it to use.


You are welcome -

Makes me look like a real writer.

aren't we all hack writers pretending? It is a lot of fun though.

I think I would be even more unbearable to live with if I didn't write :)


Writing often times get tasky for me, i have somewhat of a busy mind, sometimes i wish if one can produce an equipment that can decode my thought and help me write them down.
Is that laziness or is that just an excuse i give to my preety self.
I guess i will have to run the line consistently and be a better thinker for it. Thank you, great read.


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