The Beauty Of The Countryside + Chilling at "Bugsay" WIth These Lovely Ladies


What's up friends!? Shei here and I'm back to post another nostalgic moment. This is what happens when we are not allowed to go to places we want to go.

If last time I showed you one of the best places to have some barbecue in Cebu, this time I'm taking you to the countryside with me. There's this certain place I went to chill with my cousin and friends. :)




When I was in high school (first two years and a half), I used to live here with my family. However due to my father's job and other reasons, we had to transfer to the city where I currently live now. So, we only visit this part of Cebu to visit some relatives on my father's side and of course, my mom's sister.

When we were on our way to my mom's sister one time, I saw an interesting place which didn't exist when we were still living there. So, I told myself that when I get the chance, I would definitely go to this place to relax. I actually took a picture of it while on the van we were riding on to my aunt's house. Let me show you some pictures below.



Although it looks like a resort, it was actually open to public. However, you aren't allowed to get to the floating cottages without paying or ordering some food. That time, we failed to go to this place because we only went there on a day trip and had to go back to the city that evening. But I promised myself that I'll go there the next time I get the opportunity.

And so, an opportunity came. My high school friends from the countryside invited me to join their reunion! And so, I decided to go to Pinamungajan and stay there for a couple of nights. That's the time I got to visit this place.



Riding the tricycle for about 10 minutes, I arrived in the place with these lovely ladies. I know the place seem ordinary, but there's always greatness in everything, even in the simplest one!


Honestly, this it the thing that I really wanted to do. LOL I wanted to cross this long bamboo bridge in order to get to the cottages situated in the sea. And yeah, we had to pay a small amount to enter because it's part of the restaurant. Though we didn't buy any food, at least we could chill and enjoy in that side.


I want to try that floating restaurant in the future! It would be awesome to have some dinner there with my family. Guess mama is OK with the floating restaurant, but she wouldn't like walking through the bamboo bridge. haha


Here's the view on the other side of the place. Those green plants on the shore are actually mangroves. When I was still in high school, those mangroves were just seedlings, and now it grew pretty well. Oh, in the next village... there's a mangrove forest. I haven't been there yet, though.


Well, hello there little fella! Here's a tiny hermit crab in the bamboo bridge. I suppose it came here during high tide? I'm not sure... but it seems to be resting. Let's continue our journey!


It's a bit scary, yes! Because the lovely ladies with me were too playful that one of them jumped jokingly, making the bridge shake. hahaha It was fun, though.


And so, we reached the other side!!!! YAY~! The view of the shore was so beautiful! It was afternoon when we went there, so atmosphere seems so relaxing. And can you guess what's on the other side? Let me show you!




The vast sea! It's so calming and relaxing, isn't it? Sometimes, I just want to go to the beach and stare at the sea. I don't know how to swim, but I can still surely enjoy the view and the serenity that the sea provides. I also love the slightly salty sea breeze on my skin. It tickles my nose in a pleasant way. :)

It was getting dark, so we decided to go back to shore after taking our time talking. Talking to these young ladies made me feel young as well. I listened to their stories about school, friends and a lot of other stuff.

Upon leaving the cottage, I decided to make them my model, so let me show you some shots I took with them.


First, I told them to walk on the bridge as if it was a runway.


Eyes on the camera! haha It was fun! They really feel like models. And of course, before going home, we wanted to feel the sea water on our feet, and so we went down to the shore.



Yes, this place doesn't have white sand... and it's even with a lot of pebbles, but the water is very clear. Someday, I would love to live in the countryside again. Hopefully, there will be much better Internet connection there so I can continue working even if I'm away from the busy city life.


I hope you enjoyed reading this post and checking out the pictures I took from this side of Cebu. Pinamungajan will always have a special place in my heart. Once the situation with the coronavirus ends, this will be one of the places that I'd visit. I miss this place and of course my loved ones who live there as well.

Thank you very much for checking out this post. I'll try to make another post with wonderful views from Cebu and the Philippines. See you again! (^^,)/
