The Items We Ordered Arrived + Random Shots of Our Snake Plants:)


The items we ordered in one of the local online sellers on Facebook has arrived. Well, they aren't much but pretty useful. Let me show them to you. :)


Yes! They're two laptop tables and two face shields. The laptop tables are for me and mama. The face shields are for papa since starting this month, you're no longer allowed to ride the public transportation when you're not wearing a mask and a face shield. Since papa is the only one in our family who can go out, we ordered some for him online.


This black one is for me! ^^ There are times when I just want to sit on my bed with my legs stretched while using my laptop. I mainly use my laptop for blogging, drawing, watching anime and movies especially on my day off. I don't often use it at work, but it's a very good backup computer to use whenever there are problems with my desktop computer. So this item is very useful for me. Well, I can also use it for writing or even drawing traditionally. When mama knew of it, she wanted to have one for herself.


Mama chose pink. At first, she was thinking of purchasing either the blue or brown one because she thought I'm getting the pink one... but NO! Even though pink is Tegoshi's color, I'd still go for black which is my favorite. And so, she got the pink one! She some small business and sometimes, she had to write stuff. This will help her do her tasks in a relaxing way while just sitting on their bed. She also told me that she'll place her phone and watch Netflix at night. lol She can use the TV anytime, though.

Random Shots of Our Snake Plants

Yesterday afternoon, as my best friend was fixing our Internet, I went out of our gate to check on our snake plants. They looked really good, so I had the urge to take some pictures of them. I'd like to share three pictures which I edited using Photoscape desktop app. I took the photos using my Samsung A50s phone. :)




I really miss taking pictures. There aren't a lot of things to capture at home. I want to go to the park or in the countryside. I miss taking pictures of the landscapes, flowers and the like. Anyway, I guess these snake plants aren't bad at all. It was relaxing to snap some pictures after all.

It's another day! May you enjoy every moment of it. Take care always! And see you again! (^^,)/


Yeah. I miss going out and take photos too... Luckily I have found some new hobbies to keep sane 😅.

Have a great day and greetings from Mexico.


Thank you so much.. Luckily, I do have other hobbies... but it just feels good to drown youraelf in somethingblike nature and photography. Stay safe! 🥰
