Rose-Cherry Lip Painting


Hello Hivers! Lazy artist here (well kinda hardworking nowww😎). Here's a commissioned piece I made titled "Rose-Cherry lips". I'm basically just going to be writing on the process/steps I took to complete this piece.

  • The very first step was of course my cousin telling me what she wanted. She showed me a picture of what she wanted me to paint and I looked at a couple of other references to come up with my own style. After which, I Immediately went ahead to stretch a 20' x 16' canvas and primed it. I'll probably make another post later on, on how I stretch and prime my canvas.

  • step 2: I proceeded to make a sketch (free hand). What I Initially had in mind was just a lip and two cherries but I thought, "that'll be too bland". So I added a rose on the side☺️.


  • Step 3: Background, check!! I needed to get the background done first things first. That was easier for me. If I had done the lips first before the background, I would have needed to go back again to adjust the edges of the lips (don't know if you get this part 😅). I'm so in love with this background and it's the first time I've tried something like this. I initially wanted to paint the whole area around the lips with skin colour but that would have been too basic.


  • Step 4: Time for the lippy lip! Firstly I did a light wash over the lip to cover the white canvas. Doing a light wash makes it easier for me to apply a second layer of colour better. For the lips I used cadmium red.


Working on the upper lip first, I established my darks and highlight. Same thing for the lover lip. Then I painted the teeth with white and a light mix of dark purple.


Here's a close shot


  • Lastly I worked on the rose and the cherries ☺️. I thoroughly enjoyed painting the rose. I didn't think I would've been able to pull it through at first. But I tired and it's not so bad🌹🌹

First layer of colours


Second layer


The cherries (blocking my darks and establishing highlights)


So here's the final outcome. I love, love everything about this work. The cherries look so yummy😋😋. I plan to get it framed tomorrow, but I just couldn't wait to post this. So here it is!



Title: Rose-Cherry Lip
Acrylic on canvas
20' X 16'
Thank you for taking your time to read through, see you next time🤗.


This is really lovely. You took your time to explain every step, that's amazing. Lovely work, keep doing your best dear. Well done.
