Coronavirus diaries: Tips to make food last longer in the fridge



There is never a dull moment with my wonderfully weird & wacky wife :) I thought we were going to bed, but instead found her in the kitchen in full mad-scientist mode.

In these days of global pandemic and social distancing, grocery stores are shutting earlier than usual. So, this morning, we stocked up on food, preparing to self-quarantine for a couple weeks or an imposed lockdown.

In bed, my sweet, ever-inquisitive missus had been researching, online, how to make food last longer and when I opened the fridge I was treated to the surreal sight of broccoli stems in small vases (aka jars) with water because she learned, yes, they are flowers.

Now, that’s art, I thought, andI had to take a picture!

She just kept on working around me as I snapped away.

Also, I learned that she’d taken out celery stalks from their plastic bags, dried off all moisture and wrapped them, tightly in tinfoil.


Lemons in zip lock bags, not so unusual; but, not how we typically store them, either (which might explain why they tend to go bad, soon).

And, pears, not in the fridge — too much ethanol gas; who knew?

Eggplants, cabbage & green peppers all appreciate high humidity and can be kept in crisp drawer in the fridge (with humidity-control).

We’re both garlic fiends, and it’s great for the immune system. Just learned that once the bulb is opened, the individual garlic cloves are good for 10 days (kept in a ventilated cool, dark, dry space).

And, because the kitchen is a scared space, meet our little helper who keeps it disinfected (with nothing more complicated than soapy water).


Also, I learned it’s a good idea to take zinc, to stay strong, and that an ingredient in tonic water helps in its absorption!

Hope this might be of some help to folks out there who are preparing to hunker down and stay indoors longer.

Be safe & keep healthy 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Here’s a picture I took from the beach in Florida (just five minutes from our home) before they shut it down.

Wafting warm ocean breeze your way.....


Your wife’s my new fav. Does she blog here?

I put my asparagus in 1/2 inch of water and covered with a plastic bag and am keeping my carrots in jars full of water.

I’ve NEVER been this careful with food and I’ve NEVER made my kids clear their plates before (well, they don’t have to eat it in one sitting, but they have to finish it before they get something else) and we eat all our leftovers.

Food is lasting and that is good.


Hah! I read my wife your comments, which she was happy to hear, & she said she’ll try the plastic bag :)

Nah, she’s not here, but she’s the mastermind behind it —she got me to sign up for the S-word (Steemit).

I know what you mean about being more careful & maybe that, too, is an upside of this pandemic, a deepening appreciation of things we took for granted: food, health, hygiene, one another & our interconnectedness. 🙏🏼
