SKY TRANSIT : Overclocking TECH


Today's SKY TRANSIT expands upon an article I wrote entitled Overclocking TECH.

Overclocking TECH

...the ability to earn brought on by crypto will transition well alongside global power shifts.

  • UPDATE: rate of tokenization
  • The Internet and Global Conflict
  • Digital [non-asset]Transactions and Preparedness
  • The Veil (over new information)
  • Tethering to Communities
  • Crypto and AI

I'll quickly overview each point. You can begin digging deeper in Overclocking TECH. Then I'll explore a bit about what the rate of tokenization means for crypto. This update won't be much, so expect a more detailed article in the days ahead.

Overview of Overclocking TECH

The Internet makes global conflicts much different than it was during the world wars and great tensions. The world was not prepared for the new millennium- the massive flow of information and digital [non-asset] transactions that enable click-buys on Amazon. Is it any wonder that world leaders struggle over how opaque a veil to employ? Thinking along these terms, it makes sense why online communities aggressively defend themselves. Now imagine crypto [as digital assets] being the connecting point between humans and AI. Decentralized cryptos that empower individuals to leverage an AI controlled digital space could very well put everyone on par with say someone like the Federal Reserve chair.

Again, this could come about only in a decentralized crypto economy.

[UPDATE] Tokens-over-BTC means more SPEED

Coindesk recently published an article about the rate of tokenization compared to the number of Bitcoins mined. I thought it important to include here because it advances a debate that has quietly stayed out of mainstream media.

Bitcoin is more secure than other cryptos. It has been compared to gold. Some have said that Bitcoin will resurrect/replace the old gold standard. Some still believe that the world will devolve back to the real gold standard. But what exactly is the gold standard? Why is it important? And is it needed in a global economy?

I won't be answering those questions here. Perhaps in an article later this week. What I will say is that both gold and Bitcoin are like a meetup for asset holders.

Bitcoin can do the same for crypto wallets designed to manage tokens that gold did for kings.

Let me end it here, as these Sky Transits are meant to be quick reads.

Let me know if I am missing anything. Appreciate it.
visit the full/original post here


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that if the new economy moves towards a new pattern based not on metals but on digital assets, it is possible.


I believe at least a significant percentage of the global economy will depended upon digital assets and intellectual property operating on blockchain. My hope is that Amazon Managed Blockchain and IBM Blockchain-as-a-service do not inhibit the development of a decentralized asset market.
