To be or Not to be


I decided to read more books this year. And I already read around 10+ books. Nope, if be honest some of those books I didn't read, I listened to them. But I think it is not such a big deal.
Most of those books were motivational or self-development books. And it is interesting that some of those books are controversial. Some books argue that we have to focus only on 1-2 projects, but other books motivate us to work on all projects, that we want to. But all projects should be led by good time management and planning. What do you think?

I just finished a yoga activity that lasted about 1hh:0mm:0ss !


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I’ve wondered about this as well. It’s hard because I’m a creative type and that means I have lots of ideas I want to try...

I have been narrowing down my interests/projects. Keeping things simple with a +1/-1 approach. Saying, “Heck yes.” Or “Heck no.” Has helped me focus my energy but still stay open.

Nice work! Doing an hour of Yoga is amazing! I really need to get back to my Yoga routine.

As well! 10+ books is great! So doing more than that is even better!

Thanks for all the inspiring thoughts today @irisworld. 😊


@wil.metcalfe Thank you for stopping by. I feel the same. I always have new ideas and thoughts, and I want to realize them asap. And it motivates me. Of course, not all of these new 'ideas' are really good but I believe 'it is better to do it than DON'T and then regret that you didn't try to do it'...

Yes, I decided to read more books from this year. So I am open to book recommendations :)
